17 Come, come! The Wei Familys Face 1 (1/2)

The Eternal Sanctum Yun_Yin 39900K 2022-07-23

Two palms collided, one slightly advanced in physical age and dotted with several wrinkles, the other pristine of youth and maturity.

One belonged to an emperor, the other a third-ranking minister.

One palm embodied a deep scarlet light, the other a fleeting silver.

Other than the explosion of light and the shockwaves of which the emperor and minister had revealed their aura, the interior of the Imperial Court was tranquil and serene. The only break of silence was the strike of flesh, followed by the twinkling and shattering of the various objects strewn around the Imperial Court.

The two palms pressed tightly against one another, the respective glows of scarlet and silver having disappeared, the flash of spiritual essence no longer present following the collision.

”How dare you! Striking against the emperor!”

The emperor cried with anger, his countenance distorted with rage.

Wei Xuan remained silent, instead opting to raise his left hand. Drawing it back to be level with his chin, the minister soundlessly whispered as the palm soared forth towards the emperor's face.

Just several chi before the emperor's enraged countenance, the minister's wrist rotated towards the left, the fingers clenching into a tight fist as dense streams of silver light coalesced over the knuckles.

”Look! That's Fellow Wei's trademark cultivation technique. That fluidity and speed, does it mean that Fellow Wei had surpassed the Initial Three Points of martial arts techniques?” An official commented, his beady eyes refusing to remove themselves from the streams of light wrapping around Wei Xuan's left wrist.

Greatly alarmed, the emperor flinched as he similarly raised his left arm, crossing his palm over to the right to intercept the incoming attack. Watching the palm transform into a fist, the emperor grit his teeth before extending his fingers into a loose grip, scarlet light encasing the webbing between the individual digits.

The instant the palm contacted the fist, the emperor's fingers latched onto Wei Xuan's hand with a vice-like grip, stopping and trapping the blow without allowing the force to evenly disperse. Seeing such a scene, the spectating officials couldn't help but sigh in admiration, but soon transformed into gaping looks of shock.

”Hey…that's too brutal…and far too offensive as a slight to the emperor, much less anybody…” an official whispered, daring not to convey his thoughts audibly.

With the realization that they were locked in a standstill, the spiritual essence contained within successfully circumvented, the minister frowned for a moment before a roguish expression crossed his countenance. Without permitting the emperor to disengage his hands to defend himself, Wei Xuan channeled a copious quantity of silver-colored spiritual essence into his right knee, bringing it upwards in a vicious attack.

His target was naturally the emperor's crown jewels, and the latter was thoroughly incensed, his pupils flaring in his anger.

”Wei Xuan, you dare!” the emperor growled as he guessed the minister's intention. Knitting his brows, the emperor willed the spiritual essence concealed within his body to rush towards Wei Xuan using his arms as the conduit, creating a massive torrent of spiritual essence to wash over the Imperial Court.

Bathed in the pulse of scarlet light, the minister as well as all two hundred and ninety-nine officials were sent stumbling backwards, each backpedaling for at least several meters before they could regain balance. Rubbing his abdomen as cold sweat dotted his brow, the emperor showered Wei Xuan with a scathing glower, to of which the minister merely responded with a light smile.

”You, ah,” the emperor complained. ”Venting your frustration is acceptable, but is it truly necessary to go after this one's lineage?”

”This minister had no intention,” Wei Xuan replied in an even tone, a mischievous glint concealed behind an admiring gaze. ”This one was simply worried about touching His Imperial Majesty's dragon body for far too long.”

”You-! There's no need to go after my lineage if all you wanted was to force this one back!”

”Shoving the emperor back is a serious offence!”

”You-you-you-what kind of response is that!?” the emperor screamed. ”Since you know that forcing the emperor back is a serious offence, why did you even attack me in the first place!?”

”Because His Imperial Majesty threatened to consign my daughter to a living hell!”