Chapter 180 - The Sentence (2) (1/2)

Sin redemption was almost like transformation magic except that the effects were permanent. Schaf without his sins regained some of his ancestor's blood and was now a cuddly half-lamb.

”Did I do something wrong there?” Zero wondered.

For a demon, Schaf wasn't particularly scary. As a non-demon... Schaf wasn't scary at all. Beastfolks were known to have keener senses and sharper instincts than humans. However, nobody expected the ex-manager to transform into a cuddly lamb beastman. He had the most innocent looking eyes and fleece as white as snow. It didn't help that he retained his small stature because he looked a lot younger than Baal.

”I think it is working as it should,” Qin Yun frowned. Schaf was currently in a state of shock after seeing his new physical condition.

”What have you done?!” he squealed in an unnaturally high-pitched voice. Even furious, nobody could take the lamb seriously.

”Look on the bright side,” Qin Yun smiled. ”At least now, nobody would think that you're a dangerous criminal. I'm sure Zoe would be more than delighted to care for another abandoned child.”

Schaf stared at her in disbelief.

”I know!” Zero's eyes sparkled. ”He needs a new name. Can we call him Lambo?”

Qin Yun considered it seriously and Schaf had a bad feeling. ”I think that's a good name. What do you say, Lambo?”

The ex-banker turned red in the face from humiliation. ”I refuse!”

Nobody listened to him. Baal smirked and Ruth stirred the matter by chipping in on his opinion. It ended with the fox spirit dragging Lambo by the hand back to the village. Zero and Ruth waved goodbye to the struggling beastfolk and fox spirit before stepping through Baal's portal back to his castle.

They stepped in straight to Baal's study with the Demon Lord following close behind, dragging the borrowed furniture. Zero presented the vampire with the other magic contract with his signature and Baal's. The young doctor didn't suspect anything when he handed it over much to Baal's delight.

Ruth received the document, expecting it to be something similar to Schaf's. However, he was pleasantly surprised by the generosity of the terms included. Buying back a slave's freedom wasn't something heard of in the abyss. The vampire expected to work his life away earning it back but was stunned by how 'easy' it was.

That was until he reached the last line. He didn't know whose idea it was but judging from the clear intentions, it certainly wasn't something Zero would think about. Still, he didn't hesitate to sign it. The contract disintegrated quickly and Baal exchanged glances briefly before Zero distracted the warrior with his enthusiasm.

Baal let the new master and student bond and slipped out of the office quietly. He almost had the shock of his life when he found his secretary waiting just past the bend of the corridor. If Baal was any lesser demon, he might have shrieked, Instead, he clutched at his chest to still the racing heart.

”Couldn't you have appeared like any normal person or set an appointment?” the Demon Lord hissed.

The half-succubus raised an elegant brow as if to ask if Baal was truly serious about that. ”What did you do?”

Baal scanned the corridor and sighed. ”It's just like what Zero wants, a fair employment contract with babysitting duties. I only added what would have been good for us. With the magic contract, even a traitor could join the faction.”

The Demon Lord dropped a copy of the duplicated contract in Coux's hands before disappearing to the bedroom. The secretary didn't stop him this time. It was true that Baal worked exceedingly hard for the past few days. She felt slightly guilty for not noticing the signs until it was almost too late. Deciding to let Baal off the hook for the day, Coux turned to the papers in her hands.

The terms were as what Baal mentioned. Upon signing the contract, Ruth would no longer be a slave. However, he had to commit to teaching Zero combat skills including some magic for the remaining half a year. In addition to that, Ruth will station in Half Moon village who will accommodate him for the first ten years. His other duty was to help raise the unborn half-vampire - Seff. Right at the bottom of the long list was a one-liner clause that says Ruth will be accepted as a member of Baal's Faction and all rules of the faction is bound to the terms of this contract should he accept.

For a vampire, serving ten years of his time to earn his freedom was a small price to pay. Ruth was more than delighted to know he was free. With the Strong Stomach skill, there was no need to worry about starving. Ruth had always wanted to know what lied beyond the gates. Once those ten years were up, Ruth intended to travel in order to broaden his combat horizon. There were many strong species on Earth and the vampire wanted to contend against the strongest combat masters of every species.