Chapter 518 - Be my King (1/2)

”Then what about arthur?”

”In the Rain Kingdom, the royal family was quite large. The former King had many concubines and two wives. My mother was his original wife and his second wife was most likely Arthur's mother. At that time however people only focused on the central family, so I did not see them around as much. Only the first wife's children have actual rights to the throne, so others didn't care about that family. Nor did they entertain the idea of taking over the throne.”

It struck him as odd when he first met that man in Junlan church. There was something familiar about him. When Arthur used magic for the first time Rhys understood. This man must be one of the many princes.

”That man did not show any mercy and killed even that young child.”

It is a good thing that nobody cared for the second wife's children. If they had the rights to the throne then surely those people would be dead too.

Back then he was nine or ten years old? The sixth prince was half his age. Rhys clenched his fist at the memory. The body that was in the worse shape was the young kid. He could already imagine what happened there - that young boy must have tried to stop it. There were traces that he used magic too.

Just telling this story again made him sick and angry. Why was he not there that day? Amongst his brothers he was the only one with high compatibility with dark magic. If he were there he could have prevented that tragedy.

”Rhys did you decide to..”

”I abandoned the throne and left the Kingdom. I wandered around for so long and at some point I became numb. I could no longer think straight. I hadn't eaten in days, I didn't take anything with me. So using the last ounce of my strength I cast a spell on me to make me lose my memories. When I woke up, I was a normal person. You already know the details about my so-called family right?”

Lyn nodded. ” that was why.”

”Even though I cast that spell to forget. I ended up remembering it again when I met the master. He said that he could not train me unless I was at my full potential so he had to remove the shackle binding me.”

That shackle was his memories. Once master removed the spell, his strength gradually returned.

Lyn suddenly stopped talking and he sighed. Was all that information too much to bare for her?

”So when we met you already knew you were a Prince?”

”Mmm, that's why I was suspicious of Arthur.” There was something familiar about that man. His thoughts broke off when Lyn wrapped her arms around his neck. His eyes widened when she whispered something in his ear.

”Be my King.”

This girl--

”After hearing this it has strengthened my resolve more. I want to be with you and protect you from the dangers of the world.”

Stupid woman, shouldnt the guy say those lines? But it is just like her to say something like this. From the first time he met he knew this girl would be different. She is not like the other members of nobility. At first Rhys thought it was because of her upbringing. The moment her family announce her identity, she will be surrounded by riches and be consumed with greed. However even though so much time has passed that has not happened yet.