Chapter 392 - A little while longer (2/2)
Recalling that conversation made her sigh. She needs to stop thinking about it. It will do her no good to continue this way.
The black haired girl gaze darted towards the brunette haired man who had fallen asleep on her shoulder. He's so very kind and gentle. This person would not take such drastic actions to hurt those who are close to her.
”Lyn?” a faint voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
”Ah your up, here it's time for lunch already. We still have another two and a half hours to go, so let's eat here. ..” her sentence fell short when she felf the warmth of Kazuya's lips on hers. ”Anno?”
”I had a very pleasant dream of the past just now, and I remembered exactly why I fell in love with you five times.”
Lyn snuggled on to his arm, ”Embarrassed?” Kazuya mumbled.
Lyn her head, ”No, I'm happy. Kazuya, are you not mad at Zepher for being forceful on making you remember?” A few days back, Zepher lead Kazuya. She was worried and ended up following them.
”Well I can't say it took me by surprise. But I suppose there was no choice in the matter, I'm the one who holds the key after all. That song of requiem won't work on me unless Zepher activates the key with his pendant.”
”I see. I'm sorry we had to resort to that though. Are you hurt Kazuya?”
It's true that at this stage they don't really have the luxury to make choices, that won't hurt anyone. But for the longest time she delayed things, because to do so at a time Kazuya was most fragile would have a reverse affect. She no longer wants to cause him any emotional scars.
His gaze softens and Lyn felt him place his hand on top of her hand that was on his cheek, ”I'm alright,” Kazuya trails of, ”More importantly, that's your handmade lunch isn't it?”
Earlier she woke up and found herself cooking. Later Lyn heard Kazuya shifting about, so she brought some of the food over.
”Aha, your so impatient. Let me set things up,” Lyn stood up and left the bed. She made her way to the attached kitchen area, and took out the dishes she made earlier.
Kazuya followed her and patiently sat down.
”This is really good, huh have you been practicing?” Kazuya said through a mouthful of food.
”When I find the time to do so yes.”
”Hmm I see. These are all the foods I told you weren't good though, perhaps you did it for my sake?”
Damm, Lyn forgot how accustomed he is to dealing with girls trying to please him. Her thoughts broke of when his fingers brushed across her lips.
”Thank you Lyn.”
Kazuya touched her, and yet something is different. The words he just said too, words that seem so genuine. Lyn shuffled next to him and he gently rests her head on his shoulder.
Just for a little while longer.
Lyn wanted to be with this person.