Chapter 393 - Twisted Love Part1 (1/2)
3 hours later - Council Hall -
The bottomless desire of a twisted love inside her. A part of the memory back then still flickers brightly inside her.
”Those in favour of the exterminating those who have becomes slaves due to dark magic.. ” All hands of the people in the room raised their hands.”
”It appears that only the Princess disagrees.”
Hearing that, she raised her eyebrow. At least give her time to respond. These people really don't hide their dislike for her, huh? Still, she stole a glance at Allen who nodded. It's fine, things are okay now. The more practice she gets, the more she will learn.
Lyn shook her head, and with a confident tone replied. ”No, I was just in deep thought is all. This is a delicate matter to entrust the juridical of magic,” she trailed off. ”I feel that the appropriate punishment should be carried out by us. I advocate executing those people who misuse magic, and try to sell illegal weaponry. However, if they are civilians we must take caution.”
Normal people are actually harder to deal with.
With her final vote, the meeting came to a end. Lyn immediately darted out of the meeting room. She knew Allen wanted to speak with her, however she didn't want to stay in that suffocating place any longer. A relieved sigh escaped her lips when she walked down the halls. 'What's with those people?' Lyn didn't mind that they disliked her. Naturally, she shows up out of nowhere claiming the throne. Of course it's put a damper to peoples plans.
Lyn stopped and turned to look at the photograph hanging on the wall. It's okay isn't it master? She isn't making mistakes now, everything she is doing is because she's considering the fate of all those dear to her. Was he not the one who said it? ' If you have your friends with you then you'll be able to overcome it, and the man you love. ' The person she's in love with huh? It embarrassed her a great deal when Kazuya brought that letter out. After all, although it was addressed to him, it was written with the purpose that the letter would never be seen by the other person, and that may be the reason why she was able to write that letter with such ease.
Eldest brother used to say it all the time, that she's the kind of person who expresses her feelings better when she writes it down, whether it's in the form of composing music or a simple letter. If it's a form of writing of any kind on paper, her feelings spill through. It's really ironic though, that she can only be so honest when she knows the person will never see the letter. It was like that too, in those letters she wrote for brother Zepher.
For Kazuya to see her real feelings now, the feelings she has been keeping in her heart this entire time is embarrassing. But she's relieved, this way any sparks of doubt would have completely disappeared between them. This timing is perfect, since the final battle is in 7 days.
Will that person be listening carefully to her? If he does, he will certainly be surprised.
Her thoughts broke off when Lyn heard shuffling sound. She turned to the direction of the noise, and saw a man with maroon coloured hair. He awkwardly hid behind the boxes. Lyn looked at him with a surprised look in her eyes.
Has he been there the whole time?
”Kazuya?” Lyn called out.
”Yo Ki. Fancy running in to you here.”