Chapter 378 - Power (2/2)

”Yes,” Lyn pouted. ”Brother, what's wrong with your sword? It's so heavy!”

”Yeah, that's because of the magic I infused inside. The more magic you infuse inside your blade, the heavier it gets,” he picked it up again and firmly placed it in her hands. ”But, a heavy long-range sword like this suits you too.”

”Suits me?”

”Mmm, you're the same type of fighter as me.”

Lyn looked at the sword with wide and curious eyes. The same type as her brother?



Lyn laughed at the memory. Indeed she was a fool. However, those memories shaped who she is today. If the events in the past didn't happen, she wouldn't be where she is today. Besides, even though it was painful. She had somebody who cared for her. Back then, she didn't know eldest brother cared for her and so many others. The only person she was certain of was Zepher before. The only one who stood by her side then.

To think so much has changed since that time. Ever since she met Zepher again, Lyn realized that there were many things she failed to recognize. No, Lyn shook her head. Many things she pushed aside just to maintain peace. As long as she remained ignorant, then her sister would be content. Nobody would learn of her existence. The Empire would move on without her as long as she didn't take a step from the palace.

But, she did. She couldn't control herself any longer. Training in secret, gradually finding ways to obtain books that aren't censored. These things may seem little since she never directly interfered in a conflict. However, it's these little things that attracted so many people's attention.

If she didn't do that, things would differ now, wouldn't it? It's something people often overlook. Actions that may appear small and futile will end up triggering something larger in the future. However, how was she supposed to know that her meager actions would change things? As long as she remained in the castle, even if she trained. Nobody would care. Indeed, nobody did care. While General Adrian and Pupillam would scold her for sneaking books, they did nothing more than that.

Lyn secretly believed that the two were deliberately leaving uncensored books for her too. 'A ugly and oblivious Princess who knows nothing of the world... She's lower than a peasant.' A chuckle escaped her lips when she thought about that.

”Lyn, what's wrong?” Kazuya squeezed her hands, breaking her thoughts.

”No, it's nothing. But,” her gaze landed on the large double doors at the end of the corridor. ”Do you think that's..”

Kazuya nodded, ”Yeah, we're not going that way.”

”We should take a look at the very least.”

He shook his head, ”Rhys group will have a look. We can clear the other side.”

Rhys group? Lyn raised her eyebrows at this comment. She didn't know Rhys would come here too. So, is this why Kazuya agreed to her suggestion of exploring the labyrinth together?

Kazuya was obviously anxious, so Lyn dropped the subject. ”Maybe we should find a spot that has no monsters and eat lunch?” she suggested. She wanted to break this tense atmosphere.

The man who clutched her hand tightly suddenly let go. She glanced over at Kazuya, with a puzzled expression on her face. What's wrong now?

”Lyn, we need to hide,” he mumbled.

Hide-- Lyn's eyes widened when she hears increasing footsteps. Ah, this. She looked over at Kazuya, who nodded. The two of them silently went over to a large rock and hid behind it. No sooner did they hid behind the wall, did Lyn spot, somebody. It wasn't a person, but a group of lights. Oh!