Chapter 379 - Suspicion (1/2)

It seems like whoever these people are. There is a lot of them. How peculiar, usually one wouldn't travel in huge groups. It attracts far too much attention. Even her eldest brother, when heading out into the battlefield, splits his soldiers apart. With the growing number of lights, though, Lyn felt slightly alarmed. What's with this huge group? Calm down; it's probably a group of soldiers. They aren't her brother's soldiers, are they? Her brother's people wouldn't travel in large groups. He ensured that they were all trained not to travel that way.

'By the sounds of it, they are carrying weapons too.' She frowned. Why would such a huge group use the forest to travel? It isn't an enemy ambush, is it? While this town is far from the main town. It's still a town in the Mist Kingdom.

”Lyn, by the way, your clothes stand out.”

At that comment, Lyn glanced down at what she was wearing. It was the kimono her brother gave her. He had it specially tailored so she could fight in it and look elegant. Lyn thought the last part was silly. Why did she have to maintain her appearance, even now? It made little sense to her. However, she knew Kazuya liked it. Before they went to the dungeon area. Kazuya kept kissing her neck and touching her.

”What do I do? I didn't bring anything.”

Kazuya smiled, ”Excuse me,” he removed his black cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders.

'Black.' Lyn noted that Kazuya wore darker clothes today. But, she didn't think much of it. Maybe he wore it to camouflage himself. The dungeons are dark, even with the magic light sources hovering around. So, even though Kazuya acts like an idiot and fool at times. When it comes to entering the battlefield, he becomes a serious person, huh? Then again, whenever he is fighting. He feels like a different person.

How to put it? There is a mysterious aura surrounding him whenever he fights. Kazuya always says he dislikes violence, but whenever he fights. It feels like a hunting dog about to capture his prey — the thrill in his eyes, and the change in his tone, his words.

While the cloak wasn't exactly the best-looking thing, in contrast to the expensive kimono she wore, it looked very shabby. However, for Lyn, it was the best thing she wore in a while. Kazuya's scent is all over this, and his warmth. Forget the purpose of disguise; she's very pleased with this outcome.

”Uh, Lyn, you don't have to hug it like that. It's nothing special,” Kazuya muttered awkwardly, scratching his face.

Lyn immediately looked down, embarrassed. ”R—right,” she stammered. She didn't think he would catch her off guard like that. True, she was in hailing his scent a bit through the clothing. But that's only because it's him.

Kazuya lightly brushed their forehead against one another before he brought his fingers towards her lips and crouched them both down. ”They are coming.”

Lila nodded, and eventually, the lights turned into a group of people. They walked down the path Kazuya, and her cleared earlier. As she thought, they were all warriors. All of them wore the same armor and had similar equipment. Quite simple equipment, and nothing extravagant. Dull swords and shields, some had one-handed swords, halberds, spears. Walking in a straight line and with their heads down. It was difficult to see who they were.

What's with those helmets? Why are they all looking down? Walking in a perfectly straight line like that. That seems very stifling, is that some sort of trend? But, now that she saw them. Lyn confirmed who they were. Among the Empire, there is a group of Knights who aren't nobles. Individuals who did not pass the Knights examination. Usually, Knights belong from noble families. Those who go through the test and end up getting picked are nobles too.

Only individuals with exceptional skills end up getting picked. Now that she thought about it. Among the group Kazuya get along with, many are not nobles. A large number actually. She wonders if that was a coincidence or not. Lyn learned they weren't nobles right away, because of how Kazuya acted around them. Kazuya holds a silent grudge against nobles. Even though she is an exception to that rule, Lyn still saw how bitter his face would become when he sees the noble's mistreatment of others.