Chapter 374 - Missing Knight (1/2)


Then again, it's hard to explain anything to her brother. He always overreacts. But, that person is similar to her, Kazuya and Rhys. He is the same as anybody who has insecurities.  Lyn caressed Kazuya's cheeks, she wonders if it really is wrong for her to stand by Kazuya's side. Indeed, there are a lot of people who care about her. Those who have even told her that they loved her. However, she doesn't feel this way towards them. For her it will always be Kazuya.


Ah there it is, she spotted it behind the couch on the table and proceeded to get it when Kazuya's arms suddenly pulled her onto the couch. Uwaa, that really did catch her off guard. Rather that's some precise reaching over.  He's hugging her…even though it's only one arm… her heart is beating frantically. She spies his facial expression, he isn't even awake either. Indeed despite such an action he was sleeping so very peacefully.

It's suddenly become warm.

He isn't as warm as that person but that earlier chill she felt earlier has disappeared.  Lyn leaned onto his chest, it would be great if tonight is a bit longer. If she keeps being drunk on the dream, then perhaps the ending will be happiness and not a tragedy.


But alas, such a thought is truly naive.

She didn't think her sister would directly appear in another ball. Thankfully Lyn saw her ahead of time, and hid herself. Now she has to worry about her sister. Damn, why is her sister here? This is illogical. The one in charge of this town is brother Kotaro. Even if her sister has a mansion here, why on earth did she come all this way? Lyn peeked through the doors.

Everybody knew who her sister was, so all the attention was on her. So it was easy for Lyn to slip away unnoticed. But even then something seemed peculiar about this situation to her. What's with this situation? Still, she supposes this is good timing. Lyn found a quiet spot on the second floor, and made her way there. She took something out of her pocket.

Obsessive feelings, grief, nostalgia and sadness.

These feelings are restrictive and yet people feel it all the time.

It didn't really matter to her; whether or not she used it. But it was strangely comforting holding a cigarette and lighting it. Lyn watched as the area around her was covered in smoke. It looks like small gusts of mist.

How mysterious, even though smoking is supposedly banned in certain Kingdoms. In the Mist Kingdom, there are many people who smoke. Lyn discovered that those who smoke are the ones who are people like Rhys and Kazuya, hiding behind a mask of sadness and sorrow.

Shioka said he would be here. But, it seems like he isn't around. Rhys said he would be late. Lyn looked around the area, and spotted the couch. It should be okay, shouldn't it? Lyn does not remember when the last time she got proper sleep was. Lately she keeps returning, only to have enough time to watch him sleep. But, not enough time to wake up.

Lyn must have fallen asleep, because when she woke up somebody was shaking her.

”Lyn! Princess Lyn wake up”

Lyn's eyes shot open, and glanced at her surroundings. She had fallen asleep in the  lounge area whilst reading some reports. ”Shioka.” addressed the silver haired male that was hovering over her.