Chapter 371 - Selfish (1/2)

It's so selfish her; Lyn understood it better than anyone. Kazuya deserves to be with another person. He doesn't deserve to be dragged into the conflict of the Mist Kingdom. Even if the Sound Kingdom is against them now. She is positive that if her Mother extended the treaty towards them, even they would comply. The reason why she can say this for sure is because of the words Kazuya gave her. He made it clear to her that the main reason for the Sound Kingdom elder's revenge plan is Mother.

Since Mother complies with the wishes of the Mist Kingdom elders, complies with the outdated views that Grandmother wrote. If Mother changed her ways, there wouldn't be a problem. However, if Mother did, that and Kazuya returned to the Sound Kingdom. Lyn wouldn't know what to do.

He deserves better than her, but she is still unwilling to let him go.

”Before I get into some speech about my feelings for Kazuya, maybe you should interrupt me, Shioka?”

For a while now, Shioka had ceased talking and seemed to be lost in thought before he said. ”So that's what it was. I probably didn't understand as much as I thought. I was under the impression that you merely not accustomed to being around friendly people like me. At some point, I thought of us as similar, even though I went with that assumption/explanation for your actions. Apart of me understood that there was something wrong. ”

Something huh?

Shioka continued, after a pause. ”Something different. But I never bothered finding out what that difference was. Maybe because I wanted to continue on thinking we were similar, that I could share a connection with you. Relationsh.i.p.s with people than to me were very important. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I wanted someone to hold me tight and not let me go. We were both so very different.”

Lyn shook her head, ”No, I understand those feelings very well. But, I realized that it isn't healthy latching yourself onto just any person.”

Shioka looked down, ”You're making me feel like I did something before I even do.”

”I'm just erasing the thought from your mind. I do appreciate your help Shioka. If it weren't for you, I really would have remained a clueless Princess.”

”So, what's our next move?”

”I was thinking, we just use your powers and make them submit. You can just enslave them with that mind control magic of yours.”

At that comment, Lyn landed a punch on his stomach. To think he would suggest something so unreasonable. Then again, she doesn't even want to have a conversation with this person on life and death.

Lyn sighed, ”Besides, even if I did that, it's not like I'll get in trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if eldest brother Andrew praised me for it. Brother Zepher would even reward me,” she trailed off, thinking of the reactions of the others. ”Why are the people around me so weird?”

”That's because you're weird too.”

”Did you come here to insult me?”

”I was thinking, are you still taking the medicine Rhys gave you? If you aren't, you should switch to other means already. I've already offered my blood to you, but you still don't take it.”

The medication Shioka is referring to is the ones Rhys has been making for her since they came back from the Snow Kingdom. Ever since they met, he's asked more questions about her condition. Since he has a legit medical license, Lyn didn't bother questioning his intentions before. These medications vary from liquid to tablets. The tablets are more convenient to carry around, so she takes those ones the most.

The tablets are mixed with various ingredients, one of them being blood.