Chapter 370 - Lets find another way together (1/2)

This is isn't, isn't it?

Even back then, her sister never treated her with kindness. She's always disliked her. No, that's not true. Even if it was vague, Lyn recalled a time where her sister and her got along with each other.

When did that change?

”Lyn,” Kazuya's voice is gentle. ”Ssh, don't cry. Look how silly you look now.”


Why sister? Why does she have to swallow herself in hate? What happened to her strong and beautiful sister? Lyn shook her head, didn't she know already? Behind that strength is a weakness and insecurity far deeper than her own. Her sister is not wrong. It's normal for her to worry about her since she is the current King's child. If it weren't for her peculiar situation, she would become the heir. The Mist Kingdom laws state that the children of the current King become the heir.

This is how the Mist Kingdom has maintained its laws and regulations. With this rule, people will not have to fight while there are squabbles amongst siblings. The end result doesn't change.

”Lyn, I understand what your thinking. I know it's very difficult for you. No matter how resolved you are, you don't want to fight your sister. She is still your own flesh and blood. But, remember Lyn, this is the Empire.”

Lyn immediately understood Kazuya's words. Ah, that's right. This is the Empire. Things like family ties are fragile in this day and age. Siblings squabble and argue all the time. Some arguments end up turning severe, leading to the death of one of the parties. Didn't she know that very well? She is acting like a child crying about this.

Kazuya continued to wipe her tears. His large and strong hands made her relax a bit. ”Lyn, don't worry. You can keep investigating this case and work everything out. If it ever came down to a showdown with your sister, I will…”

At that comment, her eyes widened in alarm, ”No!” Lyn exclaimed. ”You can't, Kazuya.”

”Can't what?” he wore his usual trademark smile, causing a huge pain to emerge in his heart.

'You can't kill somebody for me.'

People may call it extreme, killing. It's only a simple case of being framed. However, Lyn knew what this meant. Even if she were to escape the case, her sister wouldn't let her go. This is already a declaration of wat. Lyn knew what would happen if she continued to ignore it. Her sister will drag in more innocent lives - they will get killed.

Can she turn a blind eye to that for her own happiness? The truth was harder to swallow. She doesn't care about her own happiness. She cares more about those innocent lives.

It really feels strange. Being close to Kazuya like this. They've been dating for so long, so there is no longer anything 'innocent' and 'pure' about their relationship. There are still times where she feels embarrassed about his words and actions. But even then, she gets lost in the passion and desire of being held by him. However, now that they are married, there is something different. It's not that innocent feeling that's for sure. But recently, being held closely like this evokes a new feeling.

”What's on your mind, Lyn?” Kazuya asked her as he gently caressed her hair.

Lyn doesn't say anything and further buries her head on Kazuya's chest. Warmth filled her body, so warm. Why is this person always so warm?

”You must be tired. It's okay, go back to sleep.”