Chapter 368 - Balance (1/2)

”I know what I did before was wrong. But, I've repented. I haven't entered a relationship with another man since then. Sure I've fooled around but I didn't take another relationship seriously. I was only serious about you, Zepher..”

Zepher looked away, 'He can't believe this woman again, no matter what nonsense she feeds him.' He shrugs her of and puts on his remaining clothing quickly, before turning to the window.

”Wait, Zepher.”

”It's impossible Lethia, because your not Lyn,” with those words said Zepher quickly left.

Lethia's room wasn't on the top floor. So it didn't take him long before he reached the bottom.

When he landed on the ground though, he came in contact with something white. Ah... ”Snow...”

Zepher recalled Lyn's attire from earlier. She ought to be fine. While it seldom snowed in the main town in the Mist Kingdom. Snow does occur in other towns. It is the season for it. He wonders if Lyn has seen snow already? If she hasn't, what sort of expression will she make?”

”Lord Zepher,” a voice from behind him said. Zepher glanced over and spotted blonde hair.

”Himuro, what are you doing here? Should you not be watching over Lyn?”

”Lady Lyn told me to come watch you, she..she is worried that,” Himuro kept avoiding his gaze. So it was clear what he was thinking. A deep sigh passed his lips. So, Lyn already noticed? Then again he supposes that is like her.

”I'm fine, I left my belongings though. So, ask somebody to fetch it for me.”

”Yes sir.”

”Himuro, has Lyn seen snow before?”

”I recall her saying she went to the Snow Kingdom not too long ago.”

Ah, so that's why those two from the Snow Kingdom keep mentioning Lyn. So she's seen it already, what a waste. Zepher wanted to see Lyn's first reaction to snow. She's always been interested in it. Now that he thought about it, he didn't like the snow until he met Lyn either. He always complained about how cold and inconvenient it was. But, when he saw how restricted his sister's situation was. Zepher considered himself lucky, the things he hated became things he liked.

Unlike him, Lyn couldn't see any of this. He's lucky, he isn't locked up like her. This view was reinforced after he left the castle. Even though with his circ.u.mstances, he should have been locked up to. But, unlike Lyn who was actually blood related to them. He ended up living a free lifestyle. He got whatever he wanted using the title as a Prince of the Mist Kingdom.

At some point he started to live for the woman named Lyn. His goals and achievements, none of that mattered anymore.

”Himuro, I will give you some orders.”

”Yes Lord Zepher.”

”No matter what I say, follow without questioning.”

Himuro hesitated at that comment, but still nodded nonetheless. Now then, it seems like he will have to directly intervene in this game of hers. Before Lyn even has to do anything, he will take Lethia's forces down. Zepher couldn't allow that woman to harm Lyn any longer.

Killing her would draw too much attention. That's why, he will use other means to torture that woman slowly. Lyn, there is no need for you to stain your hands anymore. Not when he is around anyway.