Chapter 336 - Letter from brother (1/2)
Back then, it was the same with that person — her dear eldest brother. The one is known as the Other Prince. He got this title because he was born at the same time as brother. But because brother came from Mother's first husband, the one who got recognized as the First Prince was brother Andrew. Having two first Princes would be strange. But since they were born at the same time, one was given the title the Other Prince.
However, that title simply alienated him from the others. By calling him the other Prince, people implied that he was an outsider. Maybe it was because of those circ.u.mstances, the two of them started to get along better. It was only him who could understand her. The reason why she got through those days was because of him.
Year 40XX
” Eldest brother ?” Lyn mumbled. She rubbed her sleepy eyes. Only one person would arrive here in the middle of the night. Sure enough, when she opened the door, somebody fell on her shoulders. Due to her height, she barely caught him. ”Brother Zepher , your hurt again....” Lyn struggled to keep her tears in check when she saw the blood.
”Heh, don't cry about it brat . It's the usual,” his voice was very weak.
It pained Lyn whenever she saw him like this. Lyn slowly helped him up, and he sat up. ”Brother, I'll call somebody so..”
”No, I'm fine. You treat me.”
”Okay,” Lyn quickly got up and made her way over to search for the medical box.
When she finally found them, she made her way over to brother who was leaning against her bed frame. 'At least he managed to move .' It would be easier to help him on the bed then. She bent down and opened the box. ”Lyn, why do you look so pale?”
”Ah, I haven't...”
'.. . been eating very well.' Then again, this is because the new servants are doing that thing again. They clearly don't know what happened to the last bunch of servants who messed around with her food.
”Open my bag.”
Lyn looked at him puzzled but nodded. He took out two large containers, and Lyn blinked.
”Here, have some.”
”Food?” Lyn's eyes brightened.
Zepher laughed, ”Yeah, I had them pack me food. Since I couldn't eat everything, I thought I'd give it to you, so I'm glad you didn't eat properly yet.”
”Thank you,” Lyn thanked him as she opened the box. Everything looked exquisite. What's more , the food was still warm.
Zepher nodded, and for a while, there was nothing but silence between them. Lyn watched as he clumsily applied on the medicine and bandages while she ate. ”Ah, should I...?”
”Eat first, and then you can help.”
He looks like he's in a lot of pain. There are medical treatments right after the battle ends, right? How come he keeps coming all the way over here? But, it is not like she dislikes it. If it weren't for his company, then she would be very lonely.
”Lyn, I'll stay here, okay?”
”Ah, okay, brother.”
He gently kissed her forehead, ” Alright crybaby, don't cry anymore, okay?”
”Brother is stupid.”
Present-day Year 4014 Mist Kingdom
There were many rumors about him. But, he showed her such kindness. Sometimes they seldom spoke to each other. They had no topics in common, and eldest brother Zepher was not the type of person who would show of. Sometimes they just sat in silence. But there were many occasions where he would bring back books and read her a story. The books he read to her weren't books for children, but Lyn found each and every one fascinating.
”Princess Lyn, have you met with Prince Zepher recently?”