Chapter 323 - Mystery of Junlan Church P3 (1/2)
”Lyn, I'm sorry, but could you fetch some books from the sixth and eighth pile too?”
”Okay.” She ought to worry about it later; first things first is to help Rhys out.
Despite the fact that they had only started getting closer recently, Lyn understood Rhys character quite well. Even though there are people whom he treasures deeply, he cannot bring herself to form one attachment because if he does, it would break him.
Would that make him a selfish person? Many would say so, but Rhys wasn't one of those. In fact, Lyn almost sympathized with the Rhy's situation. She wonders if the day would come when he would be able to truly form an attachment of affection towards someone. Unfortunately, to say that day isn't near.
Until then, Lyn knew she ought to remain by Rhys side. He's even more broken and far gone then she is, and if her presence can at least be comforting or a distraction to him, then so be it. Eventually, she arrived in front of the books.
Let's see now..
Ah here, Lyn removed them as carefully as possible. He will certainly be at this all night, reading books of this degree that's written in old language too. Her illness must be something if he's going as far back to research this stuff. Once the books were in her hands. She walked in the direction where Rhys was, ready to hand the books over to him.
When she feels a sort of rumbling sound behind her, to find that the books from the other row had unbalanced themselves when she removed the other books. ”Ah...”
It was too late; however, for her to react, and with her hands full, she expected the books to land on her. But that didn't happen, instead, as the books were knocked aside and tumbled around her instead.
Rhys supported her head with his right hand, whereas his left hand had blocked the books.
”Are you alright?”
The tone of his voice almost seemed frantic.
Indeed, despite his scary and frightening aura. Lyn could certainly confirm that during the course of her involvement with him, that Rhys was for certain a kind guy.
”I'm okay.”
Rhys shook his head, ”Don't lie, did you hit your head? Let me see.”
Uh, he's getting way too close again. This guy doesn't understand the concept of personal space.
Lyn blinks and took a look down, indeed to find that her knee was bleeding. Oh, one of the books must have grazed her after all. He suddenly lifts her knee towards his lips, eh? At this, the red from earlier returned to her cheeks, ”..umm..”
”Rhys, wait. Unnngh. ..”
”Sweet,” he mumbled.
Now that she thought about it, Rhys he.. he's also like her, right? But she's never seen him act this way before. The next few minutes were awful for her heart. Afterward, Rhys drew back and brushed his hands on her forehead, ”You okay?”
”I'm fine.”
Rhys smiled and stood up, ”I'll finish off my work, you can read anything. Just don't get books from the piles again. You'll get hurt.”
”Rhys, uh, I'd like some water.”
”I'll fetch you some. I'll get you good too, stay put.”
Lyn nodded and watched as Rhys left the too... 'What a mysterious person…' She turned to books on his desk and noticed a red file amid the books.
”I can't believe you'd sneak out like that.”