Chapter 312 - I lost to you (1/2)
When people treat you like nothing, you feel like nothing.
That's why she made a vow to become strong, stronger than ever. So she doesn't cave into the emotions that she has been hiding ever since that day. When her other brother left, he abandoned them all. That person will always be on the run and never live his life peacefully; he will always be running away and never have time to stop and face the problem. After he left, she and mother suffered so much. Peoples whispers, their voices. ' You couldn't do anything'. Although they were living, they were treated as an existence that was just there. She didn't want to live that sort of life. She wanted to find a place no matter where it was. A place where she could carry on looking forward. Now she has found it, after searching for so long.
”Do you like it here, Lyn?”
The place Kazuya brought her to was a beautiful lakeside. The view was breathtaking; Lyn beamed happily. ”I haven't been in a place surrounded by nature in such a long time. I'm very happy.”
”So, Allen told me about that guy. Your first love appeared.”
At that comment, Lyn panicked, ”Well, uh, you see that was a very long time ago.”
”'The two looked well matched.' ” Kazuya mimicked Allen's voice, and her face color turned pale.
Should she not have expressed so much concern when she saw him again? But six years have passed.
”Did you talk to Allen about it?”
”Yes,” Lyn nodded. ”When we first met that year, we spoke about what to do about the engagement. How should we act in front of the public? Most arranged marriages tend to go through an awkward phase at the start since the two do not know how to communicate. A lot of misunderstandings and affairs occur. That's why Allen and I discussed it.”
Kazuya sweat fell, ”Is that something you should be discussing?”
”Well, it was unusual. But I'm actually glad he wasn't such a tyrant. He's never once thought to touch me, even when I came of age. There are many lecherous men out there who touch their finances within the first meeting. But Allen isn't like that; he discussed things with me. He asked me then, 'Is there somebody you harbor affections for?'. Back then, I had yet to get over Arthur, so I told him about it.”
Allen was very understanding; he understood and told her that he would wait for her. 'I shall wait until you have settled your feelings, and then we can truly take this seriously.'
”Allen has never treated me as a woman before. But eventually, we would be lawfully man and wife. Even if Allen met other women, they'd only ever be concubines, not the lawful wife. I never understood that rule. How come I can have multiple lawful husbands, but Allen can't have another wife? The times we live in are truly strange; it's like they are purposely trying to take away our happiness.”
Living in these times, having multiple partners means they do not wish for them to give their heart to one person and one person alone.
Her sentence falls short when she felt Kazuya place his hand on top of hers. At first, he said nothing, but then he squeezed her hands. ”I plan to change those things when I become your King.”
At that comment, her eyes widened. ”Honestly, I want to be with you. I only love you. For me, that rule is not a problem since I'd only ever take you as my wife. But, for you to have multiple husbands. Well,...”
Lyn sighed, ”I'd hate for you to have a concubine.”
Kazuya laughed, ”Indeed. The two of us are very strange. We believe in only loving one person. But your fiance isn't like that. He's tolerating towards any other men you strike your fancy too. Because he is somebody, who follows the rules and traditions.”
That's true, the reason why Allen is so accepting has nothing to do with her personality. It's more like his traditional values.