Chapter 301 - Stay (1/2)

At first, he saw nothing but darkness, but then he saw it - Arthur saw the person he had been longing to meet with. But the moment he tried to reach out for her, she vanished. No, her face morphed into something. It was still her, but she looked different. Blood lingered on her bangs and her forehead. On her face, there seemed to be a dark shadow on one side. But Arthur was too focused on the girl's head; there seemed to be something sticking out like horns. Arthur felt his heart skip a beat.

”Ri…” Arthur couldn't recognize his voice. He'd seen her this way before. Or had he? When was the last time he saw her as normal?

This is the woman he loves, but — right now she was covered in blood. Her bright colored hair is discolored, her face seemed disfigured. A massive scar on the right side of her face. He took her limp body in his arms, ”Ri.” Even now, all he could say was the first syllable of her name. This was as far as he could go.

The girl's eyes shot open, the sight was terrifying. Her eyes were dark red and looked like broken blood vessels. It is no longer the same shade as it once was. For a split moment, Arthur is shocked, but he still kept her in his arms. He still held her tightly. Why wouldn't he? He loves this woman so much. No matter what happens, this is the girl he loves.

”Why did you leave me?” she demanded. It was her voice. The voice of the girl he fell in love with. The same voice he has heard by his side for so many years, but something was different. They both knew it.

”You left me to die.”

Her mouth wasn't moving, but he could hear her speak. Her left eye was watching his every movement — a murderous aura surrounding her as she looked at him with such hateful eyes.

Arthur tried to respond, but no sound erupted from his throat. ”You left me to die. You left me for that guy to kill me.”

He still couldn't produce sound as he felt the burn of tears in his eyes. ”Why?!” She screamed. ”Where were you on that day?”


He bolted awake, still hearing her scream ringing in his ears, and quickly sat up. However, as be shifted, he feels a weight in his arms and finds a girl with black hair in his arms. 'This kid keeps falling asleep in his room lately.' Arthur, let's out a deep sigh, ”How stupid.”

Arthur didn't think he would end up getting a nightmare regarding the past. But, then again, with everything that's been happening lately, it can't be helped.

Earlier she gave him quite a fright, disappearing like that. He headed inside the shops they were supposed to be at, knowing that she isn't the kind of girl who missed appointment's. After all, she's always been pretty insistence about being punctual even to the unusual breakfast hours in the church.

It was a relief that there were still people inside, and coincidentally it was somebody who saw the two. 'The girl? She was spacing out all day and ended up drawing a dandelion field instead and when she finally realized. She rushed out to get a new canvas. But it was strange; the teacher said she didn't go that way at all and she didn't come back for her things either. I wonder what happened. Sir, can you take this to her? For her to leave it behind, I'm sure something must have happened'. Yeah, he was surprised and surprised to see what the black-haired girl ended up leaving behind.

Her eldest brother's pendant. When Arthur first saw the pendant, he recognized it immediately. Before Prince Andrew had attacked him, he had seen the man in banquets before. Arthur recognized the pendant and wondered why Lyn had it. The First Prince might have a soft spot for this girl.

Gee, knowing that she wouldn't leave that behind personally. Arthur ended up calling that guy. He let's out a massive sigh; he doesn't like relying on those people.

He did not want to alert the authorities with Prince Andrew around. So once he found the information, he rushed out almost immediately. Too much of an idiot that girl is. Only to discover that they had already finished up in the area since the blues were already there. Luckily enough, it was somebody he knew on duty, the girl had told him what had happened, and so he rushed out to the bar.