Chapter 248 - Back and Forth (1/2)

If someone were to ask Rhys about his current relationship with the second Princess of the Mist Kingdom. He would not know what to say. Rhys had to knock her out. He didn't want to since she was already sick. However, his gaze drifted onto the girl who was fast asleep. 'She's becoming too nosy these days.' Rhys thought. When they first arrived here in the Mist Kingdom, she was not like this at all. She was still naive, and innocent. She would act interested but not pry too much. But now that Rhys thought about it, that was most likely a trap.

A deep sigh passed his lips, it would be troublesome if she kept prying this much. There is a reason why Lyn forgot him and even Kazuya. He only heard about their first meeting not too long ago, but from the details. It does seem like they've known each other for a long time.


Prince Allen's Chambers

”Princess Lyn, can't you just stay in your room and rest?” Rhys couldn't believe she was missing when he returned to the room. Thankfully he found her.

Lyn pouted, ”That room has no books, I'm bored.”

”So you're invading your fiances chambers? Please think for a moment, your still a Princess!” Rhys couldn't believe he even had to tell her this. She should know this better than anybody, and yet she acts this way.

”Allen said it was okay for me to come here, so isn't it fine?”

His eyes twitched in annoyance. What's with that strange trust between them, how irritating. Rhys sighed, ”Hurry up and get some books. This place makes me sick.” This entire placed screamed 'noble.' While he was of noble blood, it didn't change the fact that he was raised as a commoner. Because of that, people usually have mixed reactions when they see him. They don't know how to treat him.

”Rhys?” Lyn looked over at him.

”I think I'm coming down with a cold.” It wasn't an exact lie. But normally if he is sick, he would just use other methods to get rid of it.

Lyn came down the ladder and brushed her hand on his forehead. ”You do seem feverish,” she removed her hand and brushed their foreheads together. ”Maybe you should lay down.”

”Isn't this great, were both sick. Telepathy.”

”Idiot, don't joke around. Let's just go back to the room.”

Go back? If they return, there is a high chance they won't get any alone time. Thinking about it that way, perhaps it would be better if they just stayed here. It doesn't look like the fiance will return anytime soon. ”There is no need to go back,” he grabbed her wrist and in seconds they both fell on the ground.

”Wh-! Rhys, wait.. ”

But Rhys simply buried his face in her chest, ”You know Lyn, I really am serious about you. What am I going to do? Do I really not stand a chance with you?”

”I need a King Rhys, just in case,” she mumbled. ”Do you want that? To have your freedom restricted, to have people watching you twenty four seven.”

”It does sound like a pain.”


”But, I can make adjustments for you,” Rhys mumbled.

”You're too hopeless,” Lyn deeply sighed. ”Tell me something Rhys, you...don't like Beth?”

”Did she say something to bother you?”

Lyn shook her head. ”She didn't, in fact she never does. Sometimes I wish she would.”

”You don't have to mind her.”

”Rhys, you can't be cruel to Beth just because you like me..”

”Enough about Beth, we can do more fun things since we are here together.”

Rhys initially planned to just lay down with her like this. But, now that he has her like this. Why would he let her go?

All he can do is kiss her like this. If he does anything else she would get angry. Well, she's already getting mad with her kicking and hitting his chest. But, this feels nice.

His thoughts broke off when he felt ice cold water drench his skin, he glared and looked over at the culprit. The girls fiance, Prince Allen.


”Are you harmed?”