Chapter 223 - Coping (2/2)
Kazuya shuts his eyes, so that's it. That's why the redhead was being sneaky around him. Go figure. Lyn must have found out about that.
He laced their hands together and realized that his girlfriend's hands, too, were shaking. He didn't know whether or not it was because of the weather. But either way her usually frail hand seemed even frailer than usual. Cold, too cold, almost like ice.
”Sorry. I should have said something.” Kazuya murmured against her hair, ” Yeah I definitely should have said something. But you looked like you were serious about it. That's why I didn't want to say it,” he half lied.
It wasn't a complete lie because that's true he did think all that. But it's not the main reason he didn't think about it. It isn't.
”Two weeks..”
It hurt him just as much as it hurt her, hearing those two words.
Death really is something that can creep up unexpectedly from the corner. That's why people really ought to learn to treasure their everyday life more.
”Lyn, look.. I..maybe we should...”
At that point, the black-haired turned around, and his eyes widened, seeing the girl's expression. A serious look, yet tears were threatening to fall from the girl's eyes. Her face color was clear drained, and he could tell that the puffiness in the girl's eyes was evident enough. That she had been crying a lot.
”I don't want to. I don't want that... I don't want to leave your side. I'll stay by you to the very end. I promised you that much,” Lyn trails off, ” I promised you that I'd stay with you even if it's painful for me. Even if it hurts, I'll stay. But I..I ....I didn't...think..”
Yeah, he too didn't think it. He didn't think it was possible. Though it was something that he knew was coming, though he was well aware of it coming. Now that the date was approaching...
He cups her face with his hands, as their foreheads gently brushed against each other. ”Ssh. I get it. I'm sorry, Lyn,” Kazuya apologized. He didn't want to keep apologizing. It pained him a great deal seeing her like this. It really did. But this was all he could do.
”Kazuya, I love you.”
His eyes softened.
It's the first time she said it out loud.
Even though it was somewhat of a common understanding already, even though it was something, he already knew without it being said and hearing it now, hearing it in such a situation - despite the seriousness of it. Despite that, it made him happy.
”I love you too.”
That's when he kissed her and noticed that he had longed let go of the umbrella that was now at the floor beneath his feet.
Oak Quarters
”What the hell were you thinking?” a booming voice echoed down the hallway and Kazuya sweat fell. Has the lecture started already? He better save Lyn.
”What were you thinking?!! It's not just a normal storm. There is thunder, thunder!!”
”But we didn't have time to finish that conversation from after the selection. That's why…”
”That is still no excuse. . ”
”Uh but I got run over by a beam and stabbed and yet still lived?” Lyn said, confused.
The General hits the girl's head. ”Idiot girl! You can't always get this lucky. This isn't like the previous ones. There would have been a high risk of death. Really, why didn't you bring a parasol? You're the one who predicted the weather earlier. Geez, why are you so careless?”
Even from outside, Kazuya could hear the General's echoing voice.
Kazuya wanted to enter the room and stop the General from shouting at her. However, it was then when he saw Lyn crying again. His heart clenched in pain. Whenever he saw Lyn cry, something inside him would stir.