Chapter 224 - Protect her smile (1/2)
At that point, Kazuya wanted to rush inside and embrace Lyn in his arms. He wanted to hold her tightly and reassure her that everything would be okay. But for some reason, his feet would not move. Move, move. No matter how many times Kazuya repeated this in his head, however, nothing.
Kazuya watched as the General stood up and reached over to ruffle her hair, ” Yeah. But that's all right; it's only natural to be upset about it. You love him, after all. That's why it's okay for you to be upset. I think it would be stranger if you don't cry about it. You know there's no need for you to hold anything your feeling back. At the start when we first met you said ' That we are similar.' and strange enough I thought that too straight away,” General Adrien shuts his eyes and opens them again, ”We all want to protect your smile, and I'm sure at one point the others have said it too that you look best with a smile. Indeed, that's true. However...that doesn't mean you can't cry. You can cry if you want, we won't judge you.”
Tears began to fall from the blonde hair girls' eyes, ” Stupid... Why did you have to say that for?”
”I apologize Princess.”
Kazuya uses this chance to return to the room. After hearing the General's words, he found that he could move again. ”Hey the baths free...” he trails off, ” Did something happen?”
Lyn's cheeks burned red, and she mumbled, ”Idiot, you definitely heard me.”
Kazuya smiled and walked back over, ”Go take a bath, okay, my Lyn?”
Sharing a room they say. Kazuya thought it would be fine since there would be another futon. But clearly, that wasn't the case as the two stared at the single bed before them. Lyn shifts uncomfortably.
Kazuya looked around the room and spotted the couch on the side; he flicks her forehead. ”It's fine. Get some rest I'll sleep over there.”
He didn't know why the General asked them to sleep. But he would hardly refuse to spend more time with Lyn.
Though sharing the bed with her is something he would want. But saying such thoughts out loud would probably making her more nervous. As he turned to walk away, he felt a small tug on the corner of his clothes Only to glance back to see a red-faced Lyn, ”'s not fair for me to be the only one sleeping comfortably...that's why...”
Oi oi, give him a break here.
How is he supposed to keep his cool and hold back if she's pulling that kind of expression? Damn, she's way too cute. ”Saying that. Lyn, you know what that means right?”
As Kazuya wrapped his arms around the girl, he could feel her heartbeat rapidly. The bed was quite small and could barely fit two people. That's why he figured it would be best to sleep in this position. He would definitely kill those guys later though.
Judging from the Generals strange expression, Kazuya understood that his friends must have stopped by before them. Geez...” I was kidding just now. I won't do anything, so go to sleep already.”
Yet the black-haired girl shook her head, ”H--how do you expect me to get to sleep when you're so close?”
”This is why I said I'd be on the sofa.”
”N--no that's...”
Seeing her all fl.u.s.tered like this at a close range makes him want to swallow her whole. But, he knew he had to show his restraint. The maroon colored haired boy laced his hands with hers. As he stated calmly, ” I won't do anything other than this.”
At that comment, the maroon colored haired boy half expected her to make another remark. Yet was quite surprised to see his girlfriend snuggle up closer to him, ” T--that's cheating...but...with that I'll trust you....” she stammered. Her cheeks were still fl.u.s.tered. But regardless Lyn seemed to get even more close to him.
She truly is something. ”Your not the only one nervous, though. Can't you feel my heartbeat? It's pounding so loudly.”
”Kazuya, I love you,” Lyn managed to say clearly, causing his eyes to widen.
Even though she said to him earlier, hearing her repeat it, it sent a wave of happiness to his heart. This girl truly is something; he had always known that. Lyn never failed to surprise him.
She will always be this way. He plants a kiss on her forehead, ” I love you too my Lyn.”
Kazuya woke up a few hours later and realized that Lyn was no longer there. But he didn't think he would bump into her so soon. He was walking around the inner courtyard of the main castle when he spotted Lyn. He could spot her from a distance. Kazuya initially wanted to call out to her, but he froze when he saw somebody approach her from the back.