Chapter 188 - Him (1/2)
Those words are surely not a lie and yet why on earth does she suddenly feel so uneasy? Kazuya must have realized something was wrong, since he held her tightly, ”What's wrong, my Lyn? You seem quiet? I don't like it when I don't hear your pretty voice,” despite those light-hearted words Lyn knew he was serious.
How does she tell him after what she just heard? It was hard to swallow her words on this matter.
She wants to tell him. Lyn didn't intend to investigate him at all. It was just something her guards automatically did whenever a new person made contact with her. Since the moment she met Kazuya, or rather the moment he appeared before her. Pupillam has been investigating him. Lyn wanted to tell Pupillam to stop; however, she became far too busy with Kazuya and dealing with how relationsh.i.p.s worked. As well as her eldest brother's orders.
Pupillam will most likely continue searching for more and more details from now onwards. Should she stop her? Even if she gave the order, Pupillam would still continue doing so in secret, so maybe the current situation isn't bad at all. At least this way she could keep tabs on the information.
”Chief, Kazuya is here,” she hears somebody call out.
”Huh? Is it that cheerful brat again? I don't mind giving information, but he could at least tell me.. ” the old man looked over at Pupillam gaze and suddenly looked away? He suddenly got up, ”I'm going back.”
It was just brief eye contact, but Lyn saw it; she noticed how tense Pupillam had become too. Does she know him?
Kazuya looked puzzled, ”You're fine old man, hear me out. I came all this way.”
Before the older man could rush of Pupillam quickly left her side and grabbed hold of his arm. ”Wait, you know who I am, don't you?”
”No, I've never seen your face before.”
It was clearly a lie, the moment he saw Pupillam he tensed up. But what connection do they have? The man's appearance was scruffy, his hair and clothes are unkempt.
”I don't know any members of royalty either.”
Pupillam, however, didn't seem phased, ”When the three of us got lost, you helped save the Princess. I wonder, could you forget somebody like Princess Lyn? Mr. Okura?”
At that comment, the older man sighed. He turned around with a troubled and dimmed expression, ”You're as loyal as ever, is this matter so concerning for you?”
”The Princess is in trouble. The Snow Kingdom people have their plans. I will not stand by, and idly watch them use her as a tool.”
Lyn spoke up then, ”Pupillam, who is he?”
”An information broker.”
This man, is connected with her cousin? Then she didn't imagine it the other day. That guy is in this place also aren't you?
”Hey hey, what are you talking about? I don't know anybody called..”
Lyn's sweat fell, but nobody mentioned his name. This guy just gave himself away. Well, she supposes it cannot be helped. They did just show up here unexpectedly. Naturally, things are like this.
”Even if you feign ignorance, there is plenty of evidence that you met with him. The reason why you're stationed here now instead of the Mist Kingdom is surely because of him too,” Pupillam took a deep breath,” Just now you tried to escape too, aren't you hiding something?”