Chapter 176 - Ill miss you (1/2)

Lyn was very reluctant to leave it like that, or rather the moment Kazuya let go of her hands, she felt uncomfortable. Lyn buried her face in his back, ”Is that all? You're not going to do anything,” she trailed off shyly, ”I know we did something earlier. But you won't do it again?”

When lovers who won't be meeting for a while meet again, isn't this parting kind of lackl.u.s.ter?

Parting, Kazuya will only be gone for a short while and yet... She felt Kazuyas hands brush across her eyes.

”What's wrong?”

”When…when I was talking to you about leaving… I finally recalled it. That the reason I came to this place was because I wanted to see you again. I was honest about those things I said to you. About wanting to discover new places and spreading my music there. But when I thought about how you nor the others would be there anymore…”

The tears rolled down from her eyes.

”I felt lonely, so lonely.”

Kazuya reached over and ran his hand on on her hair. Lyn immediately felt her heart go lighter, and Kazuya drew her into his embrace, ”You can't help it. You've already gone through so many separations, and now that everyone's together again. You don't want to be separated anymore.”

”I understand it quite well, how your feeling now. I would be reluctant to separate too when you finally found what's important...” Kazuya trailed off, ”I know this is the wrong time to say it, but you're adorable.”

Lyn suddenly felt Kazuya in closer and nipped on her earlobe before he moved over and pressed his lips on hers. The entire time Lyn was completely stunned, but, she wrapped her arms around him. When he Kazuya finished, he knocked their foreheads lightly with each others briefly before backing away.

When Kazuya looked up at her, her tear-stained face replaced with an embarrassed one. ”H--hey, don't get embarrassed.”

”O--oh, I'm sorry?”

Gosh, what are they up to, acting like a stupid couple.

”I'm just going to say this. But I too will feel incredibly lonely without you beside me.”


”Yeah, don't tell the others about this though..”

At that, a light chuckle escaped her lips, ”Roger. Mr.”

”Don't you think I'm a pretty handsome Mr?”

Lyn rolled her eyes and then recalled the kiss. He used his tongue; it felt so strange. He's done it before, but isn't something different this time? Why does she feel so nervous about this?

”Kazuya say, can we sit down over there?'

Kazuya nodded and brought her to the area she mentioned. It was a quiet area under the hedges; over here people wouldn't be able to see them.

”Somehow…we always end up this way, huh? Were elites and yet we end up on the ground all the time.”

Kazuya is an elite? Lyn paused to ask but shook her head, not now. She can ask him these things when he returns.

”Aha, that's true. But isn't it peaceful this way? I feel like I can talk to you better now too… Ah don't get me wrong, I could speak to you just fine then…”

”You're rambling.”

”Be quiet.”

Kazuya laughed, his gaze softened, ”What a selfish person you are.”

”That's fine, isn't it? My personality isn't good.”

”I like it though,” Kazuya's lips curve to a smile, as he drew her closer, ”My cute and adorable Lyn, I'll miss you a lot. Be good, okay? Don't flirt with Rhys.”

”Who is flirting with Rhys. Idiot.”

”I'll come right back. And if you want to see me so badly. I'll come flying.”

”Mmm, I got it,” Lyn trails off and smiles, ”Be sure to practice writing those letters Kazuya.”

”Got it.”