Chapter 175 - This relationship has no future (1/2)
Lyn suddenly felt nervous, would he think her request is strange? No, it should be fine right, since the two of them are a couple. A couple, the word still felt foreign whenever she said it in her head, let alone out loud.
”Kazuya, can you kiss me when you see me off?” Lyn asked, but her words came out as a stutter. Really, why is this so embarrassing for her? The two of them have been dating for a long time now. She should already be used to this touch, this warmth and yet even now it's embarrassing.
Kazuya lightly pulled away from her. ”Allen will be there at your send of won't he?”
Lyn nodded. ”That's right.”
”Then, I can't.”
Oh. Could it be - Kazuya is being considerate for her sake? Really, he's a fool. But it's little stuff like this that really makes her feel blessed. Lyn hugged his arm.
”What is it suddenly?”
”I had this sudden urge to hold on to you tightly.”
”Urge huh...?” he trails off and presses his fingers on her neck as he traced the love bites. Before pressing his thumb over her lips, ”I'll really miss you after all Lyn.”
”You can write letters you know..”
”Ha...right. I'm actually not good at those.”
She kinda figured that was the case before; his mails have always been so short.
”But I'll get better, for your sake,” he leaned down and whispered in her ear causing her eyes to widen.
”Yes, please do.”
The two of them hung out on the boat for a bit longer before heading back. Unlike earlier Kazuya wasn't treating her coldly anymore. The distant look was still there on his face, but it was not as clear as before. Still, Lyn knew that things have changed between them now. Kazuya knows the truth about her. Deep down, he must have already had a feeling. But with the recent events, Kazuya won't be able to feign ignorance anymore.
”So, when are you going?”
”In 2 days,” Kazuya said, ”You'll be heading to the Snow Kingdom main castle tomorrow night?”
”Tonight,” Lyn said, ”The royal family doesn't want anybody seeing us coming.”
”Oh? They are acting too sneaky, aren't they?”
”I think Allen requested it since we attracted far too much attention already. I don't know what's happening to those people who saw me, but it seems like they are handling it,” Lyn lied. She knew exactly what would happen to them. Amongst those who came to fetch Shaarya, she saw them. Her eldest brother's men.
Kazuya must have understood too since he squeezed her hands, ”Kazuya, brother..”
”If it's to keep you safe, I would do the same.”
But causing a massacre? What's more the people are innocent, just because they saw her face they have to die or be tortured? Lyn shuddered. Before she didn't think much of it, no in the past, she tried desperately to block it from her mind.
”Kazuya, you said all that stuff the other day. You scared me.”
”Don't feel safe with me anymore?”
”I'm just a bit afraid,” Lyn mumbled. She always thought that Kazuya would have her back no matter what happens. But after what happened yesterday, Lyn is starting to doubt him. If her eldest brother heard these thoughts, he would call her naive and say his training went to waste.
Wasn't it evident from the very start? Lyn knew this would happen, eventually. It was a wild chase, the one who dropped the acts first would loose, and she dropped it. ”I love you a lot, but the two of us.. This relationship doesn't have a future, does it?”
It pained her to say such words, but there is a limit to how naive she can be. There is a limit to lies.
”Yeah,” Kazuya nodded, ”I refrained from talking about this with you because I wasn't sure how you would react. But since you understand, I have to ask you, Lyn. What do you want to do?”
”I want to stay with you, as a couple,” Lyn didn't hesitate to say what was on her mind.
She is no longer pretending, after all, so she may as well be honest.
Kazuya suddenly halted in his tracks and turned to her, a strong gust of wind blew before them. Seconds turned into minutes. What is he going to say? Is he going to refuse her? Lyn didn't think about the possibility of Kazuya turning her down.
The possibility of Kazuya leaving her.
Her eyes go wide when she finds herself in Kazuya's embrace. Ah!!! This idiot.