Chapter 162 - Irrationality and logic (1/2)

”Promise?” She whispered, causing Kazuya to squeeze her hand.

”I said it already; I'll never leave you,” Kazuya repeated. When he saw how badly the girl was shaking, Kazuya wanted nothing more than to hold her tightly again. But the girl had other ideas.

”Kazuya say..could you possibly kiss me again? Make it longer, please?”

”Ha, even in a time like this, you really are selfish. '


Kazuya reached over and pulled Lyn over until she was on top of him and pressed their lips together once again. She tastes like chocolate; he chuckles inside his head. She probably stuffed herself like crazy from worrying too much.


A few hours later

”I'm literally amazed, are you some kind of idiot?” Rhys lectured.

His sweat fell at his friend's words. Isn't he acting way too harshly here? Sure he went ahead and fought while having this severe injury. But it wasn't completely his fault. Okay, so that's stupid. It is his fault. In the end, he's the one who decided to fight while he was injured. However, it was for Lyn's sake.

Kazuya sighed. His gaze lands on the white bandages wrapped around his left arm. Guess he shouldn't have charged in when he still has a broken arm from what happened that time before. Stupid Yuzuhara, it was completely his fault. When he fell off the ladder when getting supplies that time. Charging in and helping Lyn like that despite having a, already broken arm was quite stupid of him. He didn't think rationally at all. Come to think of it the old man said it too.

'People's thoughts, wishes, hopes, and desires... We live in a time where technology can read everything in your mind, and yet, this place teems with people who hate, lie, steal, and try to harm others. If that's not irrational, then what is it? '

'Everything they have taught you is based on theories and logic. Soon you will probably come to realize how pointless they are in the world we live in.'

Irrationality, logic.

Either way, no matter what it seems like this world we live in really is complicated. It's just as she said. He hadn't seen her at all since this morning. She headed straight there after receiving a message. Since then, Kazuya hadn't been able to speak with her. He leans back on his chair, he agreed to it, didn't he? Become her partner again. He wonders if it was okay. Okay, for him to say it like that. She seemed genuinely happy to the point she started crying. But even so, he was wondering if it was all right.

The Fiance certainly didn't comment upon seeing him, yet that one look was enough for him to understand. It wasn't the usual scornful look of him being a mere hunting dog. In fact, it looked like an indirect sense of acceptance.

Say is this the change your talking about?

If so, then he wonders if it's okay for him to go through with all of this.

”You know Kazuya, your straying from the mission.”


”But so am I,” Rhys deeply sighed, ”What are we both doing really? Because we like that girl, we forget what as came here to do.”

”This is the first time you're admitting it, liking her.”

”Well, I also don't want to hold back anymore.”

Kazuya recalled how badly Lyn trembled and clenched his fist, ”If I weren't injured, I'd hit you.”