Chapter 5 - Is it okay to let them get close to each other? (2/2)

Queen Orthez was at the top of the elite; there was nobody who could match her. She even outdoes the previous Queen and King, her very own parents what's more her ethereal like appearance and graceful mannerism. Unlike Princess Lyn who inherited her hair color from her father. Queen Orthez has long ginger wavy hair and pure blue eyes like the ocean.

That's why even now many people questioned why she married somebody average like King Daichi. The man may have good looks. But he's average at most at everything else. When the Queen dismissed everybody, Adrien was on the verge of leaving, but she called out to him. Adrien understood immediately and remained in his spot. After a while, the others went away, leaving him with the Queen.

”The girl, how is she?” Orthez asked, by that girl Adrien knew instantly who she meant — not even referring to her by name, huh? Adrien shook his head, despite what it seemed. He knew how much the Queen cared for her daughter. Adrien reports the events of the past week, and Orthez didn't seem surprised, ”The Sound Kingdom intends for the two to get married. His main purpose is getting close to my daughter so he can seduce her.”

Adrien's eyes widened processing this piece of information, ”If you know this, why aren't you stopping…”

”Because I believe this cat-and-mouse game could potentially be very interesting.” Queen Orthez stood up from her throne and walked towards the window, ”That girl resembles me more than my other children, that's why I know that she will continue falling for his trap.” His gaze softened at the Queen's words, despite the secondary meaning - the Queen admitted Lyn is her child. Adrien supposes this is enough for now.

”And you don't think that's an issue?” Isn't the Queen practically admitting that the Sound Kingdom people are up to no good?

”By the end of the month, Allen shall come here.”

Orthez smiled, ”What do you think will happen?”

Adrien sighed when he saw the Queen's expression, ”If I may so…” The Queen nodded, and Adrien continued, ”Nothing has changed since you were a child, you still like to play your games.”

Orthez laughed, ”Perhaps that is the case...but,” she trailed off, ”I truly wish for that girl to know more. Like you informed me her training is going well, and she seems to be up to date with the Kingdoms present affairs. That's good; rather this is perfect timing. Soon this land will descend into chaos; when that happens, I want to introduce the girl to the rest of the world. I'll no longer keep her locked and hidden away. But, all she has now is book knowledge, unless she puts those skills to good use practically..”

Adrien nodded in understanding, so the Queen wishes to use the Sound Kingdom Ambassador, ”Do you think the Princess will realize he is tricking her? ” Adrien asked.

”I wonder,” Orthez smiled, ”It seems like something more can come out of this.”

The General did not reply right away; instead, he stared at her completely speechless, ”Poor Prince Allen,” he murmured quietly so she wouldn't overhear. The poor child will come here when the Queen's plan is already underway. Let's hope he's able to keep up. Princess Lyn and the Sound King Ambassador as a couple, Adrien shook his head; he was having a hard time picturing this. Or rather, ”Queen, you won't reconsider?”

”General. It's up to my daughter to decide.”

Adrien didn't want to sound pushy, but he disliked that man. Maybe it's because he knew from the beginning that the guy is the enemy. Either way, ”I'll continue watching over her, ” Adrien said. As long as he is watching over her, he doubts anything serious will happen between the two. Even if the Queen approves of the two getting close, he won't allow it!