95 War for the Pocket 2 (2/2)
Her voice is pretty down. Did she not want to ask for this or something? Well, I would think of it as a troublesome thing if not for the fact that we are about to attack their capital.
'Well, we are about to attack their capital.' Gin
'Ahh? That's good.' Sillith
Anyways, I'll try to get in contact with Envy. The fact that Envy is postponing its deal leaves me with serious doubt. From what I can tell from my very limited view, Envy has me by throat. It could use that page in many different ways....
”What do you mean? Are you telling me this is a trap? A mistake?.....” Farblight
Hmmm? My thoughts are interrupted as I overhear Farblight talking to a scout.
Farblight, Drun, Siegfried, Inival, and several old royal guards have very expressions on their faces. I walk over taking light steps.....?
Inival seems to be thinking heavily but, she still notices my approach. She also notices my expression of bewilderment at the atmosphere and explains.
”It seems that Haunt's forces are moving very unexpectedly. They are returning. A large force of the Union is pursuing them..... Retreat may be the best option if we don't to be dragged into some trouble.” Inival
”I disagree. It will take them quite a while to return. A few days at the earliest. With the Saint's spiderlings we can capture the capital swiftly. Kess' spiderlings in part-.” Drun
”We can't capture it that quickly! Even if we do, we can't take up a good defensive position in a newly captured enemy city! Unless we massacre the citizens, they will obstruct us as well!” Inival
”You have to little faith in the Saint's spiderlings-” Drun
Inival interrupts Drun again as he is starting to look heated as well.
”I know well how strong they are. I can only fight Kess' spiderlings to a draw. Still it's not a matter of that. We can't well occupy an enemy capital and defend against two armies-.” Inival
This time Drun interrupts Inival. It's suprising to see these two this heated. Drun is mostly mild but, Inival can get quite angry. Before she became an elf she had some sort of weird mental state. Now she has a temper. Krychek in particular is good at pissing her off.
”We don't need to occupy the city! We just need to destroy their territory!” Drun
Inival goes silent after hearing that as she seems to be thinking on that. Drun seems to be huffing in anger. Bit contagious, that anger was.
”I'm sorry. I guess you're right.....
”I shouldn't have gotten that intense there..... Come here, my beloved spider.” Drun
A metal spiderling digs up from the ground and Drun wraps his arms around it...
I forgot that he had a weird fetish there. When I converted him, along with Farblight and Inival, they got a connection to some of my spiderlings. It seems that they can fuse with them as well, turning into tattoos....
”Embracing you always makes me calm~.” Drun
I feel a bit weirded out as he says that. I see that the spiderling is twitching. I want to encourage it by saying 'hang in there', but, I keep my mouth closed. I hear Farblight and Siegfried discussing our next move when the gates of the capital open up. A group of dwarves heave their way to our army. Must be to negotiate or something
”Come on in!” Fallen Dwarf