95 War for the Pocket 2 (1/2)
Gin POV-
The tenseness lingers for quite a while. We move along with the formation quietly and eventually a scout breaks the tension that lingers.
”We have met with a little resistance up to now. Small militia groups that noticed our army while we passed their villages and towns. Mainly unintelligent folk that committed suicide by running into our ranks.” Drow Scout 1
Another scout that accompanied the first nudged their partner.
”Go on. Tell them.” Drow Scout 2
”A-ahem..... There was a funny 'thing' that we captured though. We think that it's named Gork based on its unique noise?.” Drow Scout 1
Farblight and Drun are confused as to why this is being brought up. I'm a bit confused a bit but, based on how she called it a 'funny thing', I guess that it is a bit unique.
”Gork.” Gork
A small..... Person? Is brought in..... how to describe it..... It looks like a human, sort of? A little under a meter in height but, with curled up arms. Its ears are really long and run up the side of its head. It has a perfect set of teeth, the kind that you would see at a dentist's office. The rest of it's face is all messed up though. A nose that resembles a pig's, bulged out eyes that look like they are going to fall out, and a chin that is receded back.
I can see why they call it funny.
”Gork.” Gork
”Gork.” Gork
We are all confused on what to do with the thing. Farblight and Drun look to me for help but, I shrug my shoulders and give a very small shake of my head.
”Gork.” Gork
”Well..... Let's just.....” Farblight
Gork walks up to Kess and 'Gorks' at her.
We are left even more dumfounded as Kess jabs her leg into Gork's face piercing it. It collapses and dies.....
”Should I eat it? It looks edible?” Kess
Sorry Gork. I'm not sure if you have some story to tell or if you were a unique individual like Ten. Still, I'll keep you in my memories....
After a few more days we reached a point where a change in formation is needed. We can see the Dwarven capital a distance aways. The odd thing is, it seems that they have shown no sign of noticing us? No, something weird is happening....
'Ummm.....' ????
I hear a familar voice transmitted to me..... So does Siilith own the one page now?
'~Gin? aha..... I need some help.... We can't get in contact with Envy. I can't get the page it promised. I-it may be a bit troublesome but, could you get some fallen dwarves to help out?' Sillith