93 Pyre, Union, Theocracy (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 28400K 2022-07-23

”What? If the Theocracy is really a threat like you said then-.” Bolts

”Quiet, listen to my orders! Someone cut the connection, don't want these fecal-spawn listening on what I want to do next!” Haint

The projection fades leaving the Union and us. I take it back. Haunt isn't that level-headed

”It seems that Haunt is quite mad. A united Theocracy is something that really bothers him.” Inival

Inival blurts out this. The ruler of the Pyre is quite different from how I expected. Is it really fine to have a ruler like that?

”Well it seems that this war is going to be a bit chaotic, I'll probably see you soon, Ravel Umbra.” Raveth

”My name is just Ravel now.” Ravel

”!?!?” Raveth and Tot

Drun turns off our projection.

”I'm not much of a queen.” Farblight

Farblight sighs as she looks at me and Ravel.

”Siegfried, what do you think we should do?” Ravel

”Hmmm? Well, I bet Haunt is planning on blitzing through the Union's forces and then taking us on.” Siegfried

”True, it seems that he is ignoring Bolts at the moment so that's benficial to us.” Inival

”Bolts?” Gin

Drun speaks up and explains things for me.

”She is one of Haunt's daughters. She is usually the most helpful. Her suggestions are not the 'best' at times but, they always lead to something 'more'. There is a rumor that I heard from captured Fallen Dwarves that she has connections to some 'god'..... It could.... Be Envy???? We know that Envy has connections to the fallen dwarves.” Drun

”What matters now is to figure out how we should act from here on. It's up to you Gin. Defend and stay out of it as much as we can. Ransack the Union while the Pyre tries to destroy it. Attack the Pyre while they are busy with the Union. Lots of options.” Farblight

She says all of that with a weird expression on her face. I don't know if she is liking her position as the new queen. The attacks from the Union and the Pyre on top of having to deal with a changed society with new issues. I feel a bit bad but, I cant really help much with management of a whole complex society. My work experience and knowledge is not that diverse as I was just regular employee at a store. Not even a manager..... Farblight, Drun, Siegfried and a few others leave me to think.

I look over at Kess, Vulki, Nemesis, and Ravel. We'll have to brainstorm on how to go about this situation. Xelu and Set are not that helpful when it comes to this stuff..... I feel a tug on my robes and I see a little alien look up at me.... I bend down and pat her head which makes her full of smiles.

”Huehue~!” Xelu

I feel a sugar overdose from the sheer joy on her face. I force down a smile and put on a thinking expression. Nemesis whispers something which I catch clearly. Now that I have enhanced perception I have heard many things that I would not have even noticed previously.

”Is it because she is short? Whatever, it seems that he has forgotten about punishments.....” Nemesis

”Wrong, I still remember. Set and Ravel are the only ones that weren't involved in that. Seriously, no more of that stuff, ok?” Gin

”I'm deeply sorry!” Nemesis

”What Incident?” Inival

Ahh..... Inival was still here.... Umm....

”Mashta said we molested him.... Angry.... Only curious.....” Xelu

”????? You let your subordinates molest you?” Inival

Why? Seriously. Why?