93 Pyre, Union, Theocracy (1/2)
Gin POV-
Spider interrupted our talk to tell us that an important meeting is going to take place here with all of the leaders. Drun, Crow, Farblight, and a few others arrived later and set up a small table. At the center of it they set up two artifacts that resemble VCRs but, on top of them are Multicolored crystals. Drun shoves some blocks with symbols covering them into the VCR things?
Blue semi-transparent projections appear above both. Two sets of tables with people surrounding both. I recognize the people in the one to my left. They were the people from the Union. As for the right one, it only has unfamiliar people. Ravel takes the lead
”So, why have your countries attacked us? Especially you Raveth, you broke your own agreement.” Ravel
”Shit!?!? What happened to you?.....? No longer have that slut with you?” Raveth-????
What? What was that? Raveth has a higher tone to his voice than usual. Not only that his whole mannerism has changed. I catch something from him. A whisper, barely audible even with my enhanced perception.
”Tot, let me be the one to talk here....” Raveth
Tot? I thought that Lust killed her. Based on how Raveth was acting.....
Ravel must have heard it too as she states the same theory I had.
”You have Tot attached to you somehow, huh? I don't know what 'slut' you are talking about 'Tot'. You are the only person who I would call that as you were played with by quite a few men when you were captured by us.” Ravel
Raveth's atmosphere goes through a few changes and settles on a calm one.
”Let's go back to the matter at hand.” Raveth
”Oh really? I found your agressive shits quite funny. Go on, go on. I'll just sit here and enjoy.” ????
Someone from the Black Iron Pyre speaks up. He seems to be the most important person there based on how high his seat is. It makes you wonder how he got up there since he is quite short. Fallen Dwarves are beardless and are quite aggressive by nature. I've heard from Ravel that their aggression itself comes from being beardless. However, this leader is different. He has stubble on his square chin. He appears level-headed so what Ravel told me may be true. He has grey hair and red eyes just as any drow would have as well.
The captain of the old royal guard speaks up
”Still in charge of the Pyre, ehh? Expected you to have died by now, Haunt.” Siegfried
”Could say the same to you..... So it's true that the Drow Theocracy has fallen. So Elven Theocracy now?” Haunt
”Gin Theocracy.” Ravel
”Hahahahahaha~! Such a stupid name! Pffftttt-hahahaha-” Haunt
He pounds the arms of his chair as he laughs while looking down.
”Enough” Ravel
”We could just bully the Union like we usually do. Not go all out.” ????
”Damn it Bolts, we can't go easy on the Union after that cowardly attack on our men. A whole bunch of our guys died for nothing, so we need revenge. The problem lies with this 'Gin Theocracy'. A united Theocracy is a horrible thing indeed.” Haunt
”I've been thinking along the same lines. Can't let the Theocracy be, now that it is at it's strongest, while we gnaw at each other...” Raveth
”Just you wait, you cloaked fuck. I know it was you who killed all of my guys. I don't forgive things like that! I thought I had taught your band of misfits where you belong in this world!” Haunt
Inival whispers something to me. I almost forgot that she was next to me.
”He's getting mad. That's a good sign. Haunt usually has to take calming drugs since he makes mistakes when he is mad.” Inival
”Bolts! Get ready, plan E!” Haunt