84 This Is Getting Weird. Fast. (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 26190K 2022-07-23

Gin POV-

Vulki and Alex stayed silent for a while. I'm guessing the two were talking a good bit. The expressions on Vulki's face kept changing and eventually, it stayed as a sour expression. Why was I kept out of the loop?

”Gin, after I told this 'Alex' about the vision I got, she revealed a lot of bad things. Some strong beings are hunting us. One will use minions to go after us while the other is using some sort of possession skill on someone..... This is the weird part..... This 'Alex' wants you to agree to something. Be careful. The way she was wording it to me, makes it seem as if she is trying to skirt around what exactly she is going for.” Vulki

'It's nothing like that! Vulki just doesn't seem to understand. If you can agree, these people that are hunting you won't be able to do anything. Mmmmmm~?' Alex

'... What am I agreeing to? This is extremely suspicious, you do know that right?' Gin

'Ahem.... Well, you know how I wanted to recruit you? Well a few others have learned about you. They are not as agreeable as I am. We are all looking to get a stake on you. The put a stake on someone in a lower world, you have to do a binding thing. After that is done, no other gods will be allowed to interfere with you unless they want to be destroyed.' Alex

This is way over my head. Why the hell are gods so interested in me? Is it the egg of happenings? Is it my beautiful face?.... I'm not attractive in the slightest though.....




I get lost in thought. I can comb over plenty of thoughts but, my lack of knowledge makes it impossible to come to a definite conclusion. While I was lost in my thoughs, the palace started to shake slightly. A royal guard rushed into the room I'm in. Kess who was eating the flooring jumped in front of me as the guard looked flustered. Set, Kess, and Vulki don't trust the guards too much.

He kneels and says something that stuns me.

”Sir Gin, something weird is going on. It seems that the fighting between the Union and The Black Iron Pyre has stopped. They both sent some envoys here to discuss something. They want to meet you.” Royal Guard

What? Can wars be paused just like that? Could it have a relation to my situation or is it a coincidence?...

I follow the guard along with Kess and Vulki. We get to a room with a bunch of royal guards. In the center is Ravel along with a few short statured.... Dwarves? Wait? Is that the one person who tried to ambush me along with the Union head? What the hell.

”What the fuck. You think you guys are in a position where you can take Sir Gin away?” Royal Guard



”....You are not Tot. He wouldn't let the 'real' Tot come here.... Who the hell are you?” Ravel

”No.” Ravel

”No? You think you have a choice here? I will make him a husband for myself, then I can get 'her' in a bundle deal. Whether you co-operate or not is only a matter of convenience for me.” Lust

'So that is what Lust is after..... Gin, agree to my proposition. The 'binding'.' Alex

”Oh-ho~!” Lust

Lust turns to me. Everyone else in the room seems to have finally noticed me. I can feel rage coming from Set and Vulki. Something odd is going on with Kess as well. She is looking at Lust with a heavy look.

”You must be Sir Gin~ Hi-ooo~! I seem to have fallen for you at first sight~! Will you marry me?” Lust

She gives off a weird pose. I can see that several people in the room are affected. Their breathing gets rough. Dangerous. Very dangerous.

”Ahem! Let us set up something up first, we'll begin the discussion after. Lady Lust, you should not try to get a head-start.” Fallen Dwarf

She looks over at the fallen dwarves and a disgusted look overtakes her previous 'loving' expression.

”Fucking pieces of shit. I swear I will wipe your vile species off this forsaken rock. Tell Envy that it doesn't deserve anything let alone this fine one.” Lust

She takes a full 180 as she starts cussing at the fallen dwarfs.

'Be careful with Lust. She is a very unstable individual. You should agree to my proposition before she causes more problems.' Alex

Before I can digest what Alex just said, a red projection appears from a stone circle that the dwarves set up really quickly. It..... It is a giant eyeball monster. It has a terrifying set of teeth and tentacles with eyes attached surround it.