83 Arrival of Sin (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 27220K 2022-07-23

????? POV-

”What the hell is going on inside the Theocracy? First a civil war that ended in less than 2 weeks and now there is a massive migration.” ?????

”On top of that, our backer wants us to capture someone from there. We can't be fighting a war on two fronts. Even if we are superior to both of them..... If they combine forces we'll be fucked in our royal arses.” ?????

”Why would we wage war on the Theocracy? They shouldn't care if we only capture one individual right? It's not like the person is royalty or a religious leader or something, right?” ?????

”Apparently, the bloke is some weirdly important fella. On top of all this shiet, our backer wants this guy unharmed, 'mentally and physically'. Something about staking a claim on him with his full co-operation.” ?????




”How do we do that?” ?????

Tot POV-

My blood is calling me. Something that only happens to very few succubi. I should talk with the Union Head. He is the person who I can trust the most with this sort of thing.


”.....Hmmmm... I suggest you follow that calling. Based on the origin of your race..... A very powerful being is most likely trying to get into contact with you. Either that or you are having some sort of 'blood returning to it's origin' sort of thing. The latter would be incredible as your race would immediately improve to legendary-rank but, chances are, it's the first one.” Union Head(Raveth)

”How do you know this? ” Tot

”Hmmm? I've done a lot of experiments on criminals and on myself. I've collected knowledge from outside and so on.” Union Head

Outside? He can't mean..... Probably not.....

”I don't actually know how to help. This kind of thing is way over my head. Perhaps you should isolate and meditate. That seems to be a common tro- err..... Well, just try it. I'll watch over you just in case....” Union Head


With the help of the Union Head, I was able to make an isolated space in my room where even Ogen can't interrupt with his perverted antics. I sit down and try to empty my mind. That's how you meditate isn't it?...





'f-n-ly A C----onct-on' ?????

”What was that?” Tot

'Is that better~? You have a mighty fine body~. As all my descendants should~! I may need to borrow it for-....???? Indefinitely~? Hehe~! That old man is gonna have a headache~!' ?????

”Ahhhhhhhh!?!?!??!” Tot

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! The pain! Nononono! Stop! Please!

”Shhhhrrkkkkkkkkkkk!!!??!??” Tot

Raveth POV-

”Tot! Get a hold of yourself! Come on!” Raveth

”Tot? Are you-. Are you okay?” Raveth

”???? Union Head? I'm fine. There is something I want to know though. This Gin person in my memories. You will tell me about him~.” Not Tot

”Rrggghhh!” Raveth(Union Head)

What!?!? What is this!?!? That's not Tot! I can't control my body! Shit! Fight!

”Oh-ho~? You have a strong will for such a weakling~. Too bad. All I need are your memories.” Not Tot

”Ahhhhh---cryyykkkk!?!?” Raveth


”Oh-ho~~! You are really annoying! If I had even a fraction..... Lets not say that~, only villains would say that sort of stuff. I'm a good person you know, Union Head? Would you please let me peek at your memories unobstructed~? I promise to give you back your Tot~!” Not Tot