74 Times (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 30150K 2022-07-23

”Nemsis! Stop! That is not something to be said!” Gin

I actually was planning on seducing him but, what is this? Broo? Broodmothers? Join them? Oh. So his class can do that? Why? Do I have a desire for that. I wonder.... I secretly use the artifact that I have to try to see my own loyalty towards him. It actually works.

*Loyalty: 90

?!?!? My chest drops as I see that number. 90. A number never before seen. I have that level of loyalty to someone I hardly really know. My fondness for him makes sense now. The fact that I actually see him as a person and not a slave or resource..... Is this fine?

'It's fine'

Something deep within tells me that and it has a hypnotic effect. It's fine. Fine...

”So, can you make me into one of your broodmothers~?” Ravel

My worries, doubts. They all fade along with some potentially important things. Are they really that important though? Weth-..... -rry.

Gin POV-

Ravel has been acting weird... Although, I don't know her well enough to say so.... Nmesis ended up questioning her about seducing me. I highly doubt it. I look over myself. I'm unattractive just like my previous world. I'm in my late thirties.

Although that may not sound bad, stress aged me far past that so, I appear to be in my fifties. My skin is a weird pale color with miniscule hints of green. Sickly looking. My hair which was originally short and black is now down to my shoulders and looks like seaweed with how green it is. On top of all that I look like a stickman. Not sure if it's all due to not eating anymore, my species, or my class. I've just become something freakish.


I had to stop Nemesis from giving away information on my class. There's no way that Ravel would kno-

”So, can you make me into one of your broodmothers~?” Ravel

She knows!

”Ummm....” Gin

”I'll take that as a yes~” Ravel

*Subordinate is Perfectly compatible for assimilation into a Broodmother. Doing so will have no unforeseen consequences. Y/N?

The prompt is quite different. Perfectly compatible is something I've never seen. It says no unforeseen consequences as well. So another problem child like Xelu will not appear? Wait. What am I thinking!?!? She's the leader of a race! Without her leading it will become much harder to convert the rest of the drow in this pocket.

She starts making an upset face. Err..... It this how the one charisma stat works because it sure is effective!?!?

”Ummmm..... Let's see.... If you help convert the rest of the drow in this pocket I will.” Gin



Wetho POV-
