75 Lots of stuff (1/2)
Gin POV-
After that, Ravel became extremely motivated. She saw me off as a small escort returned me to the telportation circle. Wetho came back to Ravel with a large amount of blood on her..... Well that guy from before is probably in Heaven, Hell, or wherever it is that Drow go to after death. I do wonder.... Is it different depending on which god they believe or is it a singular belief in that regard?..... I whisper to Inival about this and apparently, drow don't 'usually' care about afterlifes. Instead they are focused on their current lives..... Elves are about the same as well.
After teleporting back through to the black keep a small figure quickly approaches.
”You guys need to go quickly! Krychek is coming and wants to invite you guys back to a feast. You 'really' don't want to come to that. Trust me.” Mede
Mede, the mage that sent us off to the camp earlier gives a helpful warning. I enter stealth along with Set and Inival. We left the majority of the spiderlings behind to help with the nobles so, the ones that are left go along with Kess' spiderlings as they burrow underground. I command Xelu and Nemesis to follow along. Not long after the entrance is filled in....
Luckily the 'closed system' perk is shared with them. That perk is what makes it possible for me to have an army. It negates the need for food and water. That's not all it does though. It also allows for extended breaths do less air is needed. With what little endurance I have, I can hold my breath for half an hour which is already ridiculous.
Before we had the chance to flee, a giant bald man rockets from the keep and lands in front of Mede who looks rather frustrated.
”The Victors have returned! Ehh? Where'd they go? Mede? What're you doing here? Thinking of me huh? It's not like I like you or anything~. Dummy~.” Krychek
”I've told you already! I am seriously disgusted by you and your antics!” Mede
”I'm disgusted by you too, 'dum-dum'~.” Krychek
We use this opportunity to get away. Although he may not notice us now since his focus is on Mede, I don't want to linger around and take a chance.
”Are they stealthed or something? Hoooo-ahhh!!!” Krychek
He stomped heavily sending a shockwave out about 30 meters. Mede goes flying.... Luckily we are far enough away....
”Ahh? Sorry, my little Mede!” Krychek
Before she crashes into a wall he charges over and catches her into a princess carry.
'Lets get out of here, now.' Gin
We slowly sneak out. A few guards almost notice Inival as she isn't as adapt as Set or I when it comes to stealth. After that we all met outside the gates. It'll be a long journey back. Especially since we dont have a carriage this time.
A couple days later we arrived at the nest. It had changed. Although, the cliff looked rather odd before, all thoughts on keeping it hidden seems to have disappeared. The cliff face for about a mile in either direction is covered in metallic thread. It seems that small spires not too far from the cliff were also built. They have little web bridge that connect back to the nest. Vulki's webbing seems to be spread over parts of the spires as well. It gives off an evil feeling for some reason.
As we got closer Tessa could connect back to me with telepathy. She is.... Rather enthusiastic....
'Gin! You're back already! I put those two to work! Vulki was motivated in a similar fashion to me but, that original of mine is truly a pain. She had most of her spiderlings do this work so, don't believe what she is going to complain about.' Tessa
She calls me Gin just like Kess. Hmmm? She does not seem to like Kess all that much though.....
”Master Gin, welcome back!” Vulki
Vulki rushes out and tries to cling to me but just phases through. Luckily, it seems that her fires are controllable. Otherwise, I'd probably turn into a lifeless husk....
She is rather upset. Her mask shakes a little as her flames start dancing in a peculiar way. Not long after Kess rushes out. She looks a good bit smaller.
”Gin! This AI is horrible! She has me working without food! Meal times! What is that!?!? I get so exhausted from the lack of food that I end up crying!” Kess
'Lies! Everyone here knows that you don't need food. Jeez. How can my original be so dependent on..... Anyways, even beings that do need to eat to live will usually do so at specific times. Eating constantly while working is no good.' Tessa
After a bit, everyone gets settled back in. Nemesis goes back to the metal cow people that have been fully covered in mushrooms and a weird blue-green moss. Xelu starts making her subordinates do basic movements.... Almost like she is playing with puppets or something. Set just stays with me as does Inival. I guess its about time to look at the different things that are available now.
After reaching level 15, the broodmothers and Set can evolve again. On top of that I can rank them up to unique rank now. I look over the various status screens.....
Name:Gin Cinders
Race: Human(common)-99.4%, GreaterArachneva(unique)-.6%
(Evolution Impossible)
*Territory Core Host*
Class: Arachnomancer(*Growth-Epic)
level: 15
Required Exp:10000(reduced)
1 Free Attribute point
1 Free Skill Point
Str: 9
Agl: 11.5
Int : 23(21+2)
*Greater mind(rare)
*Wisdom's blessing(rare)
*Closed system(rare)
*Territory Master(unique)
*Steel Mind(unique)
*Spider's Stealth(rare)
*Arachnid Ruler(epic)