73 Raveth (1/2)
Gin POV-
Activating the device that looks like a T.V. remote brought up a small blue figure of Ravel..... Reminds me of a certain AI from a game series where you hunt aliens.....
”Gin! You need to be careful! A guy in a black robe destroyed a massive force of fallen dwarves. Things are gonna get heated up pretty soon. Ehhh? Is that?” Ravel
”Yeah, I came into contact with a whole group of elites from the Union it seems. They want us to pull out of this war. They'll give us the artifact we were after and also some resources.” Gin
”..... That's..... Difficult.... We could easily pull out the forces from the religious factions along with the royal factions army.... However the nobles are another matter..... Actually, I want to discuss something with their 'head' if you could hand the device over.” Ravel
I hand it over.
”I would rather just have this guy communicate with you and act as a messenger. He at the very least is only a murderer.” Union Head
”Do you really want to negotiate? If you do, don't ever badmouth anyone from our side. Especially him.” Ravel
”Fine..... We are offering what has been obtained so far from our obsidian mine and firegem mine. About 7,000 kilograms of the former and 300 of the later. Also an artifact that mainly serves to widen the area of effect of spells and other magical abilities.” Union Head
”Deal. However we will take a bit of time. loose ends that need clipped.” Ravel
”I have a general idea. Good to see that they are finally going to be killed.” Union Head
”..... Are you sure that you don't want to help with 'that' matter” Ravel
”I'm very sure. Bye.... Ravel....” Union Head
The Union Head tosses me the device back along with a bracelet. It is a glassy black and has an almost holy white gem embedded into it. What was that though?..... Aren't negotiations supposed to be a long grueling process? It also seems as if they know each other quite well. After a few minutes they head out and Inival speaks up.
”It's been a while since I last saw him. You probably noticed that something odd was going on there. Best to ask Ravel....” Inival
”Rude piece of garbage.” Nemesis
”.....” Set
”Hmmmm?” Xelu
Nemesis says something but, Xelu catches my attention. It was only at this point that I realized that she was making her spiderlings mush together in messed up ways again.
”Xelu!?!?! Stop!” Gin
”Hmmmm? Okay. What is-.... Wrong? With this though?” Xelu
How do I explain this?