72 Ambush Or.... (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 33730K 2022-07-23

Gin POV-

After that encounter sleep was impossible. Brooding over my thoughts the light outside the shelter started to fade. We move back to Ravel's camp after it's dark. I really need to aquire some sort of communication device or something. Telepathy works with all subordinates, 'technically'. I still haven't found out how to use it with anyone other than the broodmothers and Set. It also can't be used over lengthy distances either.

I watch the outside turn pitch black and, I start ordering the spiderlings along Xelu and Nemesis.

”I want to guys to get them to move quietly and quickly back to Ravel's camp.” Gin

'Tsskkk! That one. Dont be tempted master. Once I acquire some humanoid form I will make it so that no one else will mean anything in your eyes.' Set

Set actually speaks up for once. She keeps to herself a lot recently. I can tell that she is very alert most of the time. Each time I get injured she becomes very agitated and it seems as if her alertness is getting progressively worse. To a degree where she abandons talking.....

Perhaps that's something I should look for with the new broodmother or guardian..... Some sort of scouting subordinate would do fine as well. I can probably borrow one from Wetho. I could also get one from the Sillith Faction as well.

”Hurry up you gar-.... Nice... Spiderlings.... We need to return to the previous camp before sunrise.... Or else.” Nemesis

”Go to camp. From before. While dark.” Xelu

Nemesis doesn't seem to want to treat the spiderlings well. A vast difference to how metal spiderling community that Kess has. They seem to enjoy following Kess and I've seen them dance in weird ways in celebration. Some even worship her.... Although.... They do inexplicably die sometimes.... Then they get eaten....

Xelu's spiderlings are rather simple minded and will follow instructions rather well. Her curiosity leads her to get them to do weird things sometimes. When eldritch clumps of flesh with tentacles and thorns start pushing themselves together in weird ways.... You start questioning your sanity.

Vulki's spiderlings are all a ball of energy. They are extremely mischievous and caused plenty of problems before Vulki reprimanded them. Since then only themselves and enemies have suffered through various tragedies that they conconct. Even Nemesis suffered from them before she was converted.....


We get moving rather quickly. After a while, we come to a clearing filled with a faint blue glow..... Fireflies? Interesting. I catch one and bloats up and explodes into a blue goo in my hands.... Gross! I rub my hands through the grass. I'm not sure if my hands smell now....


Surprisingly nothing. Anyways I leave the clearing to see a small patch of trees. Walking closer, Set freaks out.

'Watch out! There are people in there!' Set

I focus in and see a couple massive figures along with a couple small ones.

”Shit! How is he that observant!?!? Well, the element of suprise is gone....”????

Only six figures walk out. A brown hairy.... Troll? Not quite like Ymrilab. It has tusks and is more lean than pudgy. Two small figures look like sterotypical goblins. Green, pointy nose, thin limbs.... Next is a massive red ogre. Very peculiar clothing.... Something that would make parents would cover their children's eyes. Sleek black spandex covers him very tightly showing an aweful sight. On his hips are a bunch of pouches that radiate a aura of foulness. Putrid green gasses escape sometime with his minute movements. A young girl with a similar set of wings and tail to Ten is there as well. Only her tail has a heart shaped figure at its end and her horns don't leak blood. Lastly is a fully obscured figure. Black robes with some sort of mist blocking his face.

”So you are the one that is working for the Drow Queen, huh.... I'm surprised you lingered around for so long. If you would've run back to that drow encampment, we wouldn't have had time to set this ambush up.” ????

Damn. These guy knew about the route I wanted to take back.... How did they know I was around here though? Sure I attacked that nearby city but, unless they specifically knew the distance that I took from it.... I look back and realise my own stupidity. A horde of spiderlings are truly hard to hide. Especially when some are litterly made of fire They are probably strong for them to try and ambush me with only the six of them....

”Can we negotiate here?” Gin

”Negotiate!?!? Did gou want to negotiate when parents turned into some kind of undead monstrosities and tore their own childrens hearts out!?!? Did you want to-” Young Girl

”Tot, that's enough. What's the point of arguing?” Troll

”No, Varres, he needs to know why he has no right to negotiate with 'actual' people.” Tot