71 Alex? Sillith? (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 25630K 2022-07-23

Gin POV-

After having everything set up in this temporary shelter I decided to pass out for a bit. Of course all of the spiderlings are on high alert just in case..... I had trouble sleeping. I kept on fading in and out of consciousness and eventually just started staring at the ground above me..... That's when a voice interrupted my stupor.

'Umm.... Can I watch you?' ????

What? Where'd that voice come from? Hallucination? I knew I was lacking sleep but-.

'Is everything okay?' ????

So, it is real? It seems to be female but, it has an odd tone. As if 'she' is trying to make 'her' voice higher and more feminine than what it probably is. So what? 'She' wants to watch me? No. Absolutely not.

'Ahhh, you know how to use telepathy right? Try using it towards your ring. I'll take care of the rest! Mmm~....' ????

That was.... A weird noise. So the ring is what is talking? No, something is probably using it to talk. I don't trust those that make their voice higher. I've known a few guys in the past who have trained their voices to be more feminine than even some girls. Some girls do the same thing to appear more 'cute' though....

'Who and what are you?' Gin

'Ahhh.... You could call me Alex, maybe?' Alex

I'm guessing that's not 'her' real name.... Most names I've heard are along the lines of Sillith, Ravel, Farblight, Crow and so on. The name is very common in my old world..... My niece was also named that....

'So 'Alex', what are you and what do you want' Gin

I take a very neutral tone with 'her'. I have to be very careful with this encounter. I know nothing about this 'alex'.

'You could say I'm a god. I just want to watch your journey. That artifact you have requires I ask....' Alex

Hmmm? This orb? So it can obscure even a god's perception?.... A god? Wait? Shit!

'Uhhh.... So why would a god take an interest in me? Im just a weak summoner here...' Gin

'Haaaaa~.... You have a lot of potential. I want to recruit you. Unfortunately I can't do it personally so, I will have a subordinate recuit you for me. Whenever you ascend, keep an eye out for the one called 'Grant'.' Alex

She lets out a weird noise again.... Then she goes on about a new subject. Ascend?

'Ahh, ascending is a process which allows you to break the bonds that tether you to your world. You can then leave after being 'employed' by a god. This requires legendary ranking for your race or class. You also need to be level 100.' Alex