58 Operation Part 3 (2/2)
What I see at the top is quite suprising. The place looks to be made of fine wood. Very neatly arranged unlike the bottom, which had books and vials laying about. The main point is the giant multicolored glass 'eye' that looks over a huge distance. Luckily, it can only see far away, otherwise, he may have noticed the spiderlings at the bottom of the cliff earlier.
The shit is sitting in a fluffly couch that looks like it is made of feathers. He's smoking a pipe and just gazing out of the eye. There is no way he doesn't know that I am here due to the 'moderate' amount of noise that I made in my..... Approach..... I see a beautiful skinny girl sitting next to him, gazing as well..... He turns the chair and they both end up facing me. He is..... Old? Not really old but, his hair is starting to whiten. He should be around fifty so that is way to young for something like that. Drow usually have happen when they are at least 200 years old.....His eyes have shades of grey as well. Signs of turning blind.
He smiles wryly as he mumbles something inaudible to me. The beauty by his side smiles wryly as well.
”It's been a while ehh, 'Madam Farblight'. Quite a new title. Though, I guess that nobility will not mean much in the days to come. The days of drow will come to an end. It's just too bad that it couldn't be achieved through our father.... He's a open god though. Won't care if we worship one, two, or a hundred different gods. Sillith. To think that a relative of hers would appear.... Quite spectacular.....” Crow leader
What? Relative of Sillith? How does he know some of this information?
”Hmmmm? Are you confused? More than one prophet has seen what is to come. Most have kept quiet about it though. Whether we work against the flow or accept it, nothing will change..... What will be, will be.” Crow leader
”Then why didn't you guys just give up. If you knew that this would happen why fight back.” Farblight
”Well..... I'm not a dictator you know. They all chose to fight back with everything they had. All useless though. I gave plenty of warnings but, they just slipped their ears. I do want to see the man himself. Sylphy and me may be able to experience 'love' as well. I do have to apologize for myself those years ago. I was, after all, 'just a regular teenage drow'.” Crow leader
Apologize? What has happened to this little shit? My rage. Is being replaced with indifference. I just don't care about it anymore...
I guess everythings done on my end.....