59 Meeting (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 27380K 2022-07-23


While my new subordinates were capturing the various leaders of the drow, we were working to create a seperate meeting area. We did construct one to meet with the leaders of the Sillith faction but, that one is a bit.... dreary? It was best to build something more grand.

What was constructed is amazing. A small stone castle that is dyed a shiny grey due to metal webbing. Small bonefires made of deepfire line the staircase that leads to the main hall. The doors are left open as they are made of really thick stone. Inside is a heavy circular stone stable surrounding a regular firepit that is about 14 meters in diameter. At the far end is a massive throne covered with a gel-like ink that is very comfortable to sit on. Several smaller thrones sit at a lower height with room for more to be added in the future.

Dozens of chairs surround the table but with a smaller amount of the gel on them. The walls are decorated with stone murals and deepfire scones that help brighten the place up. The murals are a bit weird.... Most of them are filled with spiders devouring things. One that catches my eyes is a highly detailed one that looks like thousands of eyes are staring through some sort of hazy mist. Honestly, I thought Kess would just carve out food or something..... Although, people are food for her...

Anyway the main hall takes up most if the castle as it is only to be used for meetings and events. They built a laterine and some escape routes along with several other facilities but, they aren't of much importance. I may have them build some similar rooms in the nest. The nest is great and all..... However, it isn't meant for humans in it's design.

I have a feeling that everything is settled now. I kept on getting hundreds of notifications for experience and now its all silent. The experience values are a bit weird but that is probably due to it being divided between 6 different individuals. People like Inival only have to worry about acquiring experience for themselves so they can increase to a high level.....

Level 14..... Very little left to 15..... After that I can evolve the broodmothers along with Set. Hopefully I can get my summoning skill to increase a tier as it will make them increase a rank. Not really sure what effects that will have.

I can see a horde approaching from the north. Looks like they are back. We all wait at the castle to see 5 cocooned people being dragged behind by Inival towards us. Drun and Farblight not far behind. Must be the leaders.

They kneel down in front of me and start talking about how they went along their missions. Inival and Farblight's went relatively smoothly while Drun's was more horrible to hear. Faint crying errupts from behind him halfway through and he starts shushing.....? Is that..... A baby.....


The baby is to be left to the trio. The area he found it was highly suspicious..... It may have to so with the corpses that were used to create the giant flesh snake. The reason it's to be left with the trio as that I can't trust the broodmothers and Set to raise a child. The trio also have experience raising orphans for their organization as well. The most suprising thing about the child is that it is not a species that anyone is familar with. It has a small whip-like tail, bat wings, and small horns that are constantly producing a bloody substance at their base. They named her Ten.....

I 'do' have an inkling on what she actually is..... I'd rather keep away from her because of that. A unique subspecies of vampire that I'd rather not deal with. Anyways after figuring out what to do with the child I looked over the figures that are cocooned to the chairs in the hall. All are rather calm. Most be used to the dark side of drow society.

I sit down at the table as the broodmothers and Set surround me. Vulki and Nemesis are the only ones trying to look dignified...