53 Conversion of Memories (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 27210K 2022-07-23

Race: Devoured elf

Level: 27

Besides their rather odd race, their levels are rather high. To get to my present level, required a massive amount of wretched to be killed. So for them to have high levels speaks to the amount of death that surrounds them. Inival specifically. After I reached level 10, the amount of experience required increased exponentially. I'm guessing that isn't a one time occurrence.


Even if they are subordinated I can't view their levels of loyalty. I am not too sure about what loyalty even represents..... So, I still need to prepare for betrayal..... If I over-relied on someone like Inival, I could very well be screwed. I can't say that their minds have been altered like Vulki's and Nemesis' so, it's best to be careful.

”Uhhhh, why are you guys kneeling for so long? It's a little weird.” Gin

”We desire to be slaves to you, great saint. The very goal of our faction that has been out of our grasps for thousands of years has been fulfilled. Not only once but repeatedly. It may be repeated again and again as well. The curse upon us and our generations to come is gone.” Inival

”Not only that, my darling has been fused with me! Such a joyous occasion! I can barely contain myself!” Drun

Fused? So are they.... Technically under my control through the spiderlings? The tattoos on his neck glows orange and a spiderling is summoned. Is it perhaps similar to how I summon Kess and the others?

Kess looks confused as she looks between the spiderling and Drun.

”Come over here.” Kess

”Ok” Drun

”Screeee” Drun's spiderling

Hmmmm..... Welp this is quite a situation. I hope this means that I don't need to worry about betrayal.... Best to keep an eye on them anyways.

”Gin, this spiderling is a higher level than me.” *whispers* ”My own minion is showing me up....” Kess

The tattoo around Drun's neck glows again and the spiderling disappears into bright particals. The other two should be able to do the same. What I am curious about, is if I can do the same thing in the future. I look at the silver ring on my finger. Alex. The name rings in my head. My memory is not as bad as it used to be. I can remember most things pretty well now but, the memories from my previous world are a bit hazy. I haven't forgotten anything so what is this.... I leave the situation to Nemesis as I go back to the nest. Something is going on with my memories.



Neice. I had a neice by that name didn't I? My step-sister had plenty of children so, I never really made an effort in remembering their names. Alex was her first kid so it stuck more than the others. My step-sister was a bit of a social butterfly unlike me. We got along well enough. Better than my biological father.... I never considered that man to be my dad. Funnily enough my step-dad was extremely nice. He worried about me as much as his own children. His previous wife was a horrible person, so for him to have had that bright disposition was a miracle.

Memories flood in. I guess I never really tried to process them. They still flowed in my head. I just needed to piece them together. Some are nice, others are horrible. They all make up who I am. Even if I had neglected them.


After going through memories, I remember some rather terrible things. I was rather involved with my family when I was younger. I even went to my neice's and nephew's birthdays birthdays. I went to different parties, gatherings, weddings..... Why I became 'alone'. I had a close relationship with a girl. We had both worked at the same store for a few years. We had a sort of good chemistry between us. She had no interest in me though. A fiance. She was hospitalized after an accident. A crazed man went on a rampage, driving a truck through a crowd of people. The things you see on the news all the time.... She happened to be one of the victims.

I had rushed to the hospital but, wasn't allowed in to her room due to lack of any sort affiliation to her. She died a week later. After that my mind changed a little. Relationships with other people became a burden. I had trouble before this incident but, I was still motivated....

My family tried to help. Alex's name came up quite a bit there..... I can't quite remember too much about that as my brain refused to process what was happening around me at that period of time.... The quality of those memories are quite horrible.... I also went on anti-depressants for a while. Only made it worse. After that moment, memories really became useless things to me. Relationships even more so.

I just lived.