30 Sillith (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 24940K 2022-07-23

\u003cPassages from the Zyn Ve'r Book of Gods-

....Among the gods lies the seven sins. Many don't consider them 'gods' because they ruin the image of what a god should be. Some religious factions even call them devils or demons. From that, their realms were titled the seven hells.

However, unlike normal gods, these seven are immortal. No matter what happens, they will reconstitute themselves. Well, with one exception. The Gluttonous Sinner was devoured by Sillith.

Sillith's most famous achievement. Not only did she devour him, no, she ate the entire realm of gluttony and produced her own. Not only that she produced countless 'children' that have created countless scenes of choas. Although, they consider themselves to be 'children', they are more like micro-organisms that depend on her for life.

'The Larder'

Although a larder is a room to store food, it has a different meaning here.... It lies within her stomach. How do I know this? It is because I've been there. I pride myself with gathering knowledge, but, The Larder is a place that I escaped from quickly. For what lay within, was the sight of truest nightmares....\u003e


????? POV

The meeting with mother has left me in a daze. Kin? What is that shit? Aren't we all her kin? No, she has never seen us as such. Just snacks and pawns to use. That is not so bad though. We have one purpose. To serve. It is just terrible to hear her say those words.

The meeting was centered around a small troll creature named Ymrilab. He was just an ordinary scavenger. Taking away random corpses from sideworlds. However, one of the corpses that he was supposed to scavenge was still alive. How could that be? In all the eras that I have served mother, not a single being that was supposed to be scavenged has been found alive.

Mother was excited about this. The troll apparently fed him an Egg of Happenings. They are 'legendary' items said to be able to do anything. However, no one has ever survived the process of ingesting them. For this reason the Eggs of Happenings have become more common. They are still rare but, they can be aquired easily by major powers.

I did wonder why mother would always have them attached to the scavengers. It must have been in anticipation for a surviver..... This is the first time I have seen her happy about something other than food. It seems that he is not to be a meal for mother either. She got angry when I mentioned that and, said that he is something along the lines of 'kin' to her. Kin! Bahhh! Some weak being like that should not be comparable to mother.

Well, we got the order to do no harm to him and protect him if need be..... There is still a small test to occur though. A larder rat is to be thrown at him as a small test..... It would be unfortunate if a slightly larger one and a couple extra were to be thrown at him.


Shit! How could this have happened? For a single pup to take out all of the rats including the giant rat..... Granted he did use the lives of all of those monsters as cannon fodder..... He has a small army under his control. He may be a tamer as a summoner should not be able to create numbers like that in such a small time. Perhaps he tamed a broodmother..... I can't imagine him having the strength to do that.....

Mother is suspicious. She is interrogating the others at the moment. I will be found out. I can't keep this from her..... 'He' needs to die. There should be a spatial disturbance where he was inserted into that world. A lot of corpses as well..... With a guiding hand a special reaction will take place. If I'm going to be erased, I should at least have done this much.


”Do you know what you have done, Dane?” Sillith

”Yes and I have no regrets.” Dane