29 Flesh to Fire (1/2)
I didn't pay attention to when Sigrid started eating the stuff. What I do know is that after a few days she started to.... Change.... She would be greedily devouring the flesh off the veins as soon as they grew. Her eyes had a sort of crazed look. Her body had bloated and her own flesh would squirm under her skin.....
It only got worse from there.....
She would break out in fits of laughter and start talking in drow. I don't know what she was saying....I'd rather not know.... After that phase was the self-abusive phase. She would smash her face into the ground over and over. She broke most of her face doing that along with a good portion of her teeth. When me and Kess stopped her, she just smiled.
It was at that point that I stopped her from eating the eldritch meat. However, that had a horrible result as well..... Which leads to the current state. She.... It.... is now a blob of organic matter at this point. There is no distinguishable features. I think the bones are gone as well since what's left is almost like a liquidy goo inside a skin bag. They couldn't have just dissapeared so, they probably liquified as well.
I seriously wonder if I am more messed up than I first thought. No it's the situation. I'm not at fault.... Right? Xelu tilts her head while looking at me.....? Have you been getting more expressive?.... Anyways, next is the biggest issue. What to do with this. I could kill it. It's impossible to tell if it's living in misery or not though.
There is the other option as well.....
*Captive is extremely compatible for assimilation into a Broodmother. However, doing so will have unforeseen consequences. Y/N?
It changed from 'highly' to 'extremely'. I can't tell what sort of creature will be made from this. I do wonder if it would be another eldritch broodmother though. I am sorry about what happened to Sigrid. Who can tell if the original Sigrid is still hanging around in there or if she is 'dead'..... Well, the past can't be changed so..... I select yes.
The blob dissapears. It must have-
*Subject has been brought to a seperate plane for assimilation
I wait a little as I did with Xelu. I start reflecting on my actions a bit. Feeding eldritch meat to someone was a bad idea. The thing is..... I wanted to see what would happen. Just pure curiosity. What resulted could be considered an evil deed or a sin. The intentions.... Could they be considered bad? Probably. I realize that I'm changing in an indescribable way so, I might as well go along with it. Especially since I have no idea on how to prevent this change.
Unlike with Xelu I only had 2 two notifications pop up
1. Since the subject was extremely compatible the result will not be a hybrid.
2. Both aspects can be chosen for the new level 6 broodmother. However an error occurred with random generation of the second aspect.
*Choose aspect
1. Lust
2. Skeletal
3. Deepfire
*Choose aspe- error
1. Mummer