28 Eldritch flesh (1/2)
-Gin POV
Now that everything is planned out I need to figure out what I want to do with this one. I have to think of something as she needs food. The larders are empty and I don't have anything to give her so, she may starve if left alone. Hmmmm...
Xelu's web grows flesh around itself so maybe..... That's a terrible thought but, it may be the only option for the moment. Will it have aftereffects? Well can't be helped.
”Xelu I want you to spin a small amount of web here.” Gin
”Yeaaaeeuurrggg Mashta.” Xelu
”AHHH IT TALKS!?!?” Sigrid
Xelu fumbles over on her appendages and spins a couple of vein webs. After a couple minutes flesh starts to slowly cover it and a eyeball swirls around on it. I don't think she will want to eat it but there is nothing else so..... She is looking at me with confusion.
”We don't have food here as none of us 'need' to ingest anything. The food we usually stock is all gone so this..... Is all I can do for the moment.” Gin
She looks pretty baffled.
”This... Fleshy.... Eyeball.... Thing? Nononono! I can't, Anything else! Wretched should be fine! Please!!!” Sigrid
I don't know what to say. I can't go out and kill wretched for her. Perhaps if it was possible to kill individual ones, but, they are all massed into a group so trying to take them down individually is impossible. Lure them away? That would risk luring how many others along.
”I'm sorry but this is all I can do..... Sure it gives off that.... Twisted aura, however, I think it should be fine to consume? Right?” Gin
I look over at Xelu and she tilts her head. I should've guessed as much. Trying to make it not seem so bad may have had the opposite effect as Sigrid is having a panic attack. I should make an emergency larder for situations like these. Kess may bug me about that though.
Preserving corpses for long periods would be a problem as well. Kess usually eats them within a few days so they may have only rotted a bit. Although, from what I have seen, it does takes longer for them to rot in this world. Perhaps.... Magic? I have no clue.