25 Drow captive (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 27290K 2022-07-23

I take Set with me and head out after dark. I don't know if they have any detection abilities so, it's best to remain really cautious. After leaving the nest we search for patrols. We found one taking a break near the old treant base. Again, I can't understand anything they say so extracting information may be difficult. Hmmm....

After they finish their break they start heading somewhere. A little bit of tailing leads us back to their base. It is much larger than before with dozens of larger tents set up. However, it is mostly empty. I'm guessing that they may have either found what they were looking for or they have given up.

I notice a drow that is giving orders to a patrol before they head out. Abducting an officer may be a problem. They would have more information but, who knows if I can communicate in a meaningful way with them.


We managed to sneak into the base. I've tested the effectiveness of our stealth a few times. It is suprising effective. Only a unusually alert drow had thought that she had noticed something but, she shook her head and went on with her duties. Spider's stealth and the untraceable perk are probably playing a huge role. Otherwise stealth would be a ridiculous skill in general.

Eventually we make our way to a tent full of beds with sleeping drow. This might be the best area to wait. Trying to kidnap one while they are sleeping would be trouble. Especially when there are others sleeping everwhere.

Waiting for one to wake up to relieve themselves would be the best opportunity. They would probably walk a good distance from the camp.... That is if drow are hygienic in general..... I don't have to wait for long as a female drow who's eyes are covered with cloth wakes up and walks out.

Blind. Can she see or..... Magic? Best explanation for something strange. It may be best to pass this one up. You'd think that blind people are less perceptive but that is not technically true. They have to sharpen all their other senses to make up for the loss of their sight. In this world of magic and abilities, it could be that she acquired special perceptive skills as well.

As she walks past us, she glances in our direction. Crap. She noticed something. Luckily, she didn't raise any alarms and is just heading in our direction looking confused.

'Set, can you incapacitate her?' Gin

'Yeah, she just needs to get a bit closer.' Set

I hope she isn't an important figure.....As she gets closer, Set detaches herself and gets ready to pounce.


Set jumped at her face and starts going down her throat..... Ughhhh.... The drow struggles a bit and passes out. Set jumps back to me and clings around my neck.

'Filthy creature~. Master she didn't come out to relieve herself. It was to clean off.' Set

Yeah.... I'd rather not know. Now to get her back to the nest. Fortunately we are in a dark area of the base. We have to be careful with her as we cant make her enter stealth. Picking her up I smell a weird odor.....


We managed to get her out. Evading some of the patrols without stealthing was hard. It was about time that the guards were exchanging shifts so, I was able to get away through one of the holes in the perimeter. After that it was smooth sailing.

After returning to the base she was cleaned up and wrapped by Kess' webs. I don't think she would have the muscle strength to rip those up. I made she to gag her too in case she has some weird abilities..... I think I'm turning into a pervert.....

I left Kess to watch her as I look at her gear. Surprisingly, she had a rare ring. Had. After taking it off, it broke into hundreds off pieces. It seems that some pieces of equipment have protective measures on them. Everything else is uncommon so I had the spiderlings move them to the treasury.