22 Gnome dungeon (1/2)
What awaited me on the other side was suprising. Instead of a cave, a colorful marsh spanned as far as I could see. Pink and blue mushrooms lay everywhere and little folk stomped along in the distance. I don't like this place. Kess just looks baffled.
”Well, lets try hunting one of those guys.” Gin
We walk until we get close to one of the little folk. He looks like a garden gnome except he is wearing pink and blue. His face is more look a pink goblin's as well. He turns around and roars.
”What're ya doin' 'ere!” Geoffrey
It can talk.... It has a weird deep acent and it looks pissed. I'm not sure what to make of this.....!!
”Wait Kess don-.....”Gin
Kess just spiked him. It's went through his jaw into his head carrying him up into the air. All the other gnomes look over and start shouting.
”Oii, Did tha' fud, shank Geoffrey?” Merkel
”Tha's right Merkel, get 'im!” McGregor
A dozen or so gnomes start running at me from a distance and a bestiary page pops up.
Fairy Gnome(uncommon)- Fairy gnomes are completely different creatures from Earth Gnomes. They are rude twisted creatures that can use basic fairy and blight magic. Most other fairy creatures avoid them due to their behavior.
Despite their looks, these guys may be very troublesome. I think blight may be under either poison or disease. I'd rather not find out though so, I start running along with Kess. Their legs are very stubby so I quickly outpace them. I shoot a couple poison lances behind me, hitting 2 of the gnomes melting their faces off as they scream insults. One throws a small pink bag letting lose small creatures. I shoot a poison lance at the bag before they spread out and I get another bestiary page.
Pixies(common)- most common fairy species. Creatures with almost no intelligence that are known to be extremely ravenous. Their sharp teeth and claws make them very dangerous as they have been known to rip eyes out and chew their way into wounds.
They hurl insults rapidly, most of which I cant understand. Kess seems to be getting pissed though. She starts spiking gnomes at an incredible rate. After most of them have died a few flee at an even faster speed than they used to chase me.
”Fuc' off ya wankstain!” McGregor
With that last insult they are gone. They sunk into the marsh to get away which I'd rather not get close to. Who knows what lies in 'that' marsh.
I wanted to talk to them.....Well, I doubt that I would have been able to have a useful conversation with them so maybe Kess' decision to just kill was right. I guess we should explore the rest of this place for now. There is a sort of path made of small mushrooms leading from the entrance so maybe I should follow that.
We made our way back to the entrance and have followed the path for a couple minutes. Luckily we haven't encountered any more gnomes. Kess is still pissed and is even more determined to hunt. Earlier she showed no interest in the corpses of the gnomes which suprised me. She may have been that angry.