21 Searching (1/2)
Alternate POV
”Help! Please.....”???
”I don't wanna die!”????
I need to flee. Nonono, shit. Why did this have to happen. The forest has been so peaceful. NOOO BROTHER!!! Cursed spiders! I'll never forg-....
My guts. Go back in. I need to get away. What.... Is this creature? Not a spider or drow. Wait don-.....
Honestly, I wish I didn't have to watch this. I started hunting a wolf pack after they tried to kill one of Kess' spiderling but, I didn't expect this. The wolves are very expressive and deeply grieve over the death of their kin.... Some cry and start shaking their heads as they know death is coming. Kess' spiderlings are pretty ruthless and chop them down regardless.
I see a slighty larger wolf that has had its guts chopped open by a spiderling.... Whimpering. The spiderlings left it behind so, I walk up to it and put it out of its misery.
They did start the fight but..... Maybe I should have left these guys go.... Well, what's done is done.
All the spiderlings gather in rows and salute me..... This is surreal. It's like I'm a leader in an army. Anyways, back to the situation.
We need to find enough aggressive monsters to kill to get Kess to level 5. I don't want to kill peaceful monsters. All of the remaining plant monsters and small critters in this forest are passive. The wolves are the only monsters so far that have attacked us of their own will.
They almost immediately regretted it though as half of their numbers got killed within a dozen seconds. The rest fled and we chopped them up. I also got a bestiary log for wolves which is a little interesting.
Wolf(common)- Lowest rank canine monster. Will form packs even without a higher rank leader. Some are as intelligent as the human race but, they all have deep emotions for their kin.
Not many monsters roam the immediate area..... Well this is the former territory of the treants so I doubt anything really threatening is nearby. I can only go further out I guess. For now though I should have the spiderlings collect these corpses.
”It's time to collect the spoils and return. Good job guys.... Wooh” Gin
I awkwardly give a little cheer to the end....
”That was kinda cute master~” Set
Crap. I forgot that I have Set binded to me. She gets quiet when she is bonded to me so I forget most of the time.
We return to the nest to see Kess and Xelu expanding the nest. Xelu and her spiderlings can create web as well so I'm having her build an extension from the top of cliff. The webs bond together into weird blood vessels which will grow flesh around them after they are put in place.
I look up to see the giant pulsing flesh clump on the top of the cliff. Kess helped anchor it to the old nest by reinforcing metal bands to it. A few eyes appear that look around erratically.