18 Evolutions (1/2)
Race: Ink Widower(rare)
level: 5(Confirm evolution)
Required exp: 1200
Health (300/300)
Resource-Ink essence(110/110)
Shared perk- Closed System
Loyalty: Max
Condition: Normal
I bring up Set's screen and confirm the evolution. Set is wrapped in a shiny black ink shell. It starts pulsing out black energy after a few minutes and she starts making weird noises..... I can tell she is enjoying it but.... Is evolution supposed to be an enjoyable thing? There are a couple screens that explain what evolution is now that Set is evolving.
Evolution is basically a restructuring of the body for monsters. It can't increase their rank but it gives other benefits such as changes in attributes or an additional aspect. The attribute change can decrease attributes sometimes though. Say a monster is built to be an assassin. quick, nimble, and stealthy. If the monster goes down a different evolutionary route, for example a tank, it will lose attributes in Agl and will have a harder time in stealth.
However, that is something uncommon. Most monsters evolve in a way that suits their current build increasing the appropriate attributes. There are also those that acquire an additional aspect. This makes a creature a variant. Like the variant harpy and the giant rat. Additional aspects have a huge effect on the monster altering their appearance in a drastic way. Enough of this though onto evolution.
Set is giving off weird feelings through telepathy. She can't speak but, maybe after this evolution I can ask what was so enjoyable about it. A screen pops up giving countless options. It seems this is a benefit I get. I can evolve my subordinates in any way I wish. I immediately scrap all options that lower her current attributes. Most of the left over ones will improve her current skills and primarily the Agl attribute .... Some even will intoduce new skills... However, the ones I'm most interested in are the ones that will give aspects.
Wait. Is.... I immediately choose the evolution with an aspect that has caught my eye. Life. I doubt it will be overpowered at this point but in the future.... Well who truly knows.
The pulsing of the ink shell increases and eventually the colors start to change. An amber colored energy starts to wrap around the black energy turning them into threads. These threads starts waving crazily outward from the shell. After a couple more minutes the shell has amber colored liquid flowing through it as well and it starts to break apart.
Set walks out and I'm immediately suprised.
Her size has not really changed, not even half a meter tall. However, her body which was a stagnant liquid now constantly flows up towards her eyes. Amber colors are mixed in the ink flow as well making it look kind of amazing. Before her eyes were just black orbs but, now they have a flow as well with black and amber colored liquids swirling.
I bring up her status screen to see what has changed
Race: Ink of Life Widower(rare)