16 Entire status sheet and postwar (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 29710K 2022-07-23

*Summon Ararchnid Guardian T1 lv7 (up 1)

*Negotiation T2 lv4(up 1)

*Cooking T2 lv2

*CQC(close quarters combat) T1 lv3(up 1)

*Crafting(includes sewing, woodcrafts ect. Forging would be a different skill.) T1 lv2

*Taunt T1 lv2



Race: Ink Widower(rare)

level: 5(Confirm evolution)

Required exp: 1200

Health (300/300)

Resource-Ink essence(110/110)

Shared perk- Closed System

Loyalty: Max

Condition: Normal


Race: Grey Iron Arachneven(rare)

(Evolution Possible at level 5)

level: 4

Required exp: 1000

Health (400/400)

Resource-Iron essence(165/165)

Shared perk- Closed System(defaultly


Loyalty: Max



*The war is over

The rank-up gave quite a bit. It upgraded Arachnid Ruler increasing damage and damage resistance for subordinates. It also gave an overshield which is ridiculous. It even effects the spiderlings even though they are not my direct subordinates. Spider's Stealth got an upgrade as well making it harder for an enemy that has already discovered me once to find me again.

Lastly there is the new skill poison control. From the looks of it, the skill is similar to something like telekinesis but only for poison. I did get it from a rank-up so It must be extremely useful but.... Telekinesis would be better right? In a lot of different fantasy and sci-fi scenarios it is common. It could be incredibly powerful in this world if even an epic-class only gives a discount version of it.

Hmmmm.... It could be that this skill is more specialised as well making it more powerful or more well controlled when its acting on poison vs. if telekinesis were to act on it. Only time will tell. Now on to the next matter the harpies. Kess must have ended her fight since I got the rank-up reward.

I make my way towards her to see a pile of cocoons. A lot of harpies must have died as there is only about a hundred of them. Next to the pile I see a much larger cocoon next to Kess along with plenty of spiderlings doing a weird victory chant.

”Scccchreeeee!!!!” Kess

”Scceeee!!!” Random spiderling

”Scccceeee!!!” Random spiderling

Waiting a while for them to finish, Kess finally notices me, picks up the large cocoon, and has her spiderlings sprint towards me. She slams the cocoon on the ground in front of me.... Really.... Be more gentle.... Patting her head I look at the Variant high harpy. Its face is all swollen as tears roll down its face.

I'm sorry.... Honestly if it weren't for it being a bird this creature would be a real beauty. She has long blueish-white hair and redish gold eyes. She is a little baby faced despite being bigger than me. She also has some huge uggghhh.... Cough... Cough.... Wonder what that feeling was? Probably nothing important. Anyways I don't know what to do with her.

Do I just ask her to be a subordinate or do I have to do some ritual? This is all kind of alien to me. Hmmm lets try this. I raise my hand upwards and lower it onto her forehead.



They all just stare at me, making me feel a little embarrassed..... I end up trying a plethora of things to try and subordinate her. Eventually a screen pops up.

*Captive is compatible for assimilation into a Broodmother. However, doing so will have unforeseen consequences. Y/N?

Hmmmm..... Do I really want another one.... Will this assimilate all of her current subordinates? Honestly I don't know the consequences of half the things I do already so this is nothing new. Yes?

* All captives of the same category will be brought to a seperate plane for assimilation.... Please stand by.....

They all just sort of fade out of existence leaving me and the spiders standing there..... Next up would be the evolve Set but, I think I should wait.....

A couple minutes later I get a new notification. It describes a whole lot but, here are the main points:

1. Due to many bloodlines existing within the Variant Harpy, assimilation resulted in all the bloodlines devouring each other leaving one

2. This broodmother will have an extra aspect based on the remaining bloodline.

3. Although the Variant Harpy was compatible for assimilation, the species produced is a hybrid species and, therefore, is unstable.

4. The remaining harpies have been turned into hybrid spiderlings under the new broodmother.

5. Whenever I summon her next, her subordinates will follow.

6. I can choose the next aspect when I summon her.

”Summon the Broodmother” Gin