14 War (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 32290K 2022-07-23

I wake up to see the spiderlings scrambling around. Set and Kess are also missing. What's going on?!?! Running through the tunnels I reach the hidden entrance at the base of the cliff.


+10 exp

+10 exp

+10 exp


+130 exp

level up(3)

+ 1 free attribute point

+ 1 free skill point

*Eaters have started to move

Kess has leveled up(2)

After reaching the opening I see plenty of treant corpses including another shorty. Wait I can see their info now.

Lesser treant(common)- Lower-rank treant that fills their forests. Not hostile unless you attack their brethren or intrude on their sacred areas.

Treant brute(uncommon)- treant that acts as a great deterrent to invaders. Smaller but much thicker than most treants, this specimen crushes forward with little care for it's own life.

There is literally a wall of treants being built around the entrance with Kess wrapping web on them to make them stay together. I can see Set off in the distance chopping more and more of them up

+10 exp

+10 exp

At the rate things are going I might level up again. Wait, why are they doing this? ' Kess, Set come here.' I give the order and, I see Kess flinch while Set rockets back here. Kess rides her spiderlings back and looks at me with upturned eyes. I think I know what's going on..... Set and Kess probably wanted to get revenge on the treants....


I pet her head and am surprised. I thought it would have a metallic feeling but, its more fleshy.

”Scccchreee~” Kess

I feel a sense of joy from her but.... Is there something else in it? Probably just my imagination. Set makes it back really quickly and stares at me with expectation. You too huh.

”~~SHEEE~~” Set

Ughhhh..... What was that... I'm feeling kinda gross seeing her spasm on the ground. All I did was pat her head. I don't even want to focus on the feelings that are being sent through... A screen pops up and I start to hear some strange noises



*Treant circle(rank-uncommon) has declared war on your unnamed territory(common).

Shit! 'Get back into the nest!' I give an order and immediately sprint into the nest. I had to carry Set along as she was still spasming but, luckily she's not that large. There they are. A lot of treants start moving into the clearing. They stop right in front of the treant wall being built, which is about 20 meters in front of the hole. In the front are 3 brutes and a much larger and older looking one.

Elder treant(uncommon-rare) - Treant that can be the base of a treant forest. Strengthens and commands subordinates in a 30 meter radius. They are a species that can reach rare rank easier but, the difficulty of advancing ranks beyond that is immense.

Welp.... This is interesting.... I don't think they can do anything as long as we're in our base and we don't have the firepower to deal with this. I mean.... Set and I have stealth so we can....

Wait.... Why didn't she kill them with stealth! That would have prevented this! 'SET! Make sure to use stealth whenever you can so we don't have these problems!'

”Sheeee~~” Set

I'm not sure if she understood. Seriously.... Anyways back to this conundrum. Hmmm....The normal treants are moving. What are they going to do, beat on the side of the cliff? I don't think that will make it collapse all too much. Some stray pieces may fall off but for the most part this cliff has been reinforced with dozens of metal rooms and tunnels.