6 Nightmares Ahead (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 15710K 2022-07-23

I start looking around to see if any of the spiders are still alive. Can't really tell if they are alive from just looking though, so I pick up a forelimb that has seems to have been twisted off. Its suprising light and has a sharp claw at the end of it so it'll make a great poking tool.... This will probably take a while....

-a few hours later-


I counted the last corpse that I'm willing to poke. Im not even a fifth of the way through all the corpses but I'm giving up. How is there not a living one out of all of these? Maybe this pile has been here for a long time?

I also checked out the surroundings thanks to being able to see in the dark. The room is in the shape of the dome. It's a couple dozen meters high by a few hundred wide. The walls are made of web but are different from the cocoon I was in though, as they are a dark purple. There's a passageway that is extremely large. I guess that's the only way...

As I make my way down the passage there are arched openings into rooms that are devoid of anything. I look through those rooms but..... Nothing.... This passage is too long.... Huhhh??? light??? I start jogging towards the light and come into a massive chamber.

The walls are a mix of white and purple webs. The white giving off a low glow just like my cocoon, but the purple seems to devour that light. What lays in the center blows my mind... I thought the previous spiders were massive but, holy cow..... A spider.... queen? I guess that's what it is. Just like the walls it's coloured a dark purple and white. A small human torso sticks out of the top of the spider's head, but it seems to be covered in a purple grime. There is a small book being grasped to her chest.

I figure its really important.... Should I take it? I edge closer until I'm right next to it's spider head. Ehhh, it's looking at me.... those shiny beady eyes.... I know it's dead.... well I hope its dead.... Should make sure.... If its not, well I'm scewed.... I stab one of its 8 eyes and....


.....It popped.... A dark purple goo starts to ooze down its head.... Gross....

Back to the more pressing matter I start moving the arms of the human torso that has the book by extending my spider spear and....
