Chapter 279 - Soul: Kyoka Failgate. (1/2)
{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:
Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}
Aizen drew his [Zanpakutou] on a strong reverse grip, for some reason he seems to be very pissed: ”Why are you so angry Onii-Chan? did someone bully you? Fret not because I will protect you Onii-Chan.”.
Aizen stopped mid draw trembling for a bit, he took a very long deep breath and simply continued. [Zanpakutou] completely drawn while held in a vice grip that would put even some of the more strength-focused captains to shame.
Without further ado, I felt his [Reiatsu] stir for a bit, it was extremely smooth and precisely controlled, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy had around 95% of control. Also, the ease with which he activates his own [Shikai] is rather frightening to a normal Shinigami, it was with a precise and practiced motion as if he has done so billions and billions of times over. Which I guess is true considering the number of times he used it to control and hypnotize people.
A simple flash and his [Zanpakutou] was already on its sheath again. But for some reason putting his subordinate under [Kyoka Suigetsu] made nothing to placate Aizen's distress, on the contrary, he felt it made it even worse.
His mind went through a great number of different possibilities and scenarios, but he couldn't simply find any loophole or miss. It was strange. He should-
Interrupting my evil twin thought process; ”Moou Onii-chan!! Why didn't you show me your [Shikai]? Everyone said it was extremely cool... I had all this hype for this... I am sad Onii-chan. Plesa unsad me.”, I made sure that my voice sounded very annoying. And... is that's team coming out of Aizen's ear? is that even possible?
Aizen immediately tried to make an ”illusion” on the air, ”tricking”my brain to believe there was a Hollow beside me. I could of course easily perceive his illusion, break it, change it, do a lot of things actually. But the little evil smile on my lips told me Aizen was in for quite a ride.
The first thing I did was; ”OH NO!!! A gain Lhama suddenly appeared?!?! What to do?”, Aizen completely blanked at my interpretation of the illusion he showed me, my evil twin couldn't help but think 'Lhama? What Lhama? That is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g scary spiked drake hollow/ Lhama is my ass'.
Grinding his teeth Aizen tried to create the illusion of a huge sword chopping downwards towards me. Without hesitating I simply screamed; ”Kyaaaaa!! A Flying PP”, and run out of the office at incredibly high speeds.
Aizen was trembling in absolute rage and confusion, his eyes popping and twitching uncontrollably, black lines formed on his face, and to my absolute surprise he just spat some blood and slumped down on his desk, passing out, seemly giving up on today.
Ichimaru's last years have been... wacky... yeah, that is the exactly perfect world to define these last years. After the pink month, this settled down a bit, until he came... someone not even buddha could forgive. The irony of that statement is sadly completely lost on Ichimaru, or everyone for that matter.
That guy... manages to say Onii-Chan in such a disgusting manner that it honestly gives him the chills. And when he pouts... gosh... the last time he did that Ichimaru couldn't hold his lunch inside and simply vomited in pure and una.d.u.l.terated disgust.
Sometimes he wonders if this is all worth it? If all this suffering has any meaning... No, he couldn't think like that... He needs to do it for her.
Yeah, her. Matsumoto and the love of Ichimaru's life. He literally threw away his pride, his humanity, his honor... he threw away everything for her. Everything. Since that day.
Minus moping, more complained. So the bastard of a third officer threw every one of the [TTT] off, he was unanimously disliked, and when told to his face he absolutely relished on it, replying that he is glad that his Onii-Sama lackeys loved him so much... Even now he couldn't help but twitch and tremble in anger just from remembering that day... the f.u.c.ker has a supernatural talent for getting under other people's skin. If Ichimarudidn't knows better he would've thought it was the bastard [Shikai].
And that is not even the worse of it. No, not even close.
Somehow since some long time ago, someone has been trying and trying repeatedly to ship him with her. he did everything to distance himself from her, to get her out of Aizen's radar, all for it suddenly blow on his face.
Somehow someone marked multiple dates between him and Matsumoto in the course of the years. he would receive a paper slip, a rather normal form of communication between him and Aizen, said the paper slip is filled with a bunch of weird instructions, like dress casually, bring money, turn right and left after walking 300meters, this kind of thing. But knowing Aizen even if the instructions were weird it was better to follow them to the letter. And so he did.
Only to find Matsumoto there waiting for him. Her face brightened in such a form that he couldn't simply say no, so he went on the date with her. It was magnific- *cough* it was horrible and would definitely not do it again 10/10.
Returning he immediately questioned Aizen about the word instructions, Aizen being none the wiser didn't know anything about those. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52713359400825090 for visiting.
”... But here look.”, points at paper slip; ”It's signed with Aizen S. who more could it be? Your lost twin or something?”, after Ichimaru said that he felt an inexplicable terrifying chill on his spine, and so did Aizen. To this day he regrets not taking the warning chill seriously enough.