Chapter 239 - Godhood: Golden Gate. (1/2)
{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:
Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}
It was all darkness.
Even after dying in that bacta tank, I feel no different. It was like I never change places at all, I am still submerged in water, I still can't see or feel anything. Maybe this a simple connection... A simple connection to the last moments of my test with the bottom of the well of wisdom. It was almost like the two realities are overlapping, over imposing into each other.
But there is a difference right now, on the old and decaying body of my past self, moving was a luxury, a privilege. But now I can move normally, I didn't recover any sensations on my body or anything, but moving became possible.
I started moving my arms, moving them in a conscious and well-organized manner to help me up in this water. My efforts seem fruitless, almost as if no matter how much effort I put into it appears that I am not moving. All this moving seems more and more like useless effort, but I don't give up.
After what appears to be an eternity I finally started to feel something; an acute pain in my chest, the pain grew more and more until it felt like my heart itself was being skewered. But instead of being concerned, or start to worry about the pain in my chest I couldn't help but smile. I know this pain very well, it was my Asauchi that I used to penetrate my heart and start my ascension. I know it's not the same as Odin hanging himself. But I followed my own way, drowning while being impaled by my own sword.
Ignoring the pain in my chest I continue swimming up, the pain grew and so did my excitement. After some time I started feeling my chakra again, it was as violent as I remember it the last time, but right now it's way vaster, way heavier, way denser, way higher quality, way more... Divine. But its transformation hasn't finished yet, but it's close to the grand finale nonetheless, something akin to 90% complete and 90% golden, while the other 10% is still the old green.
To think I would advance so much in chakra alone, it started all back on the normal blue color, then green, and now its final Divine form; golden. Thankfully this new divine chakra doesn't have limits in its quality and its density... which means... that I am finally touching up the concepts of infinity? It could possibly be something like that, allessa said due to my divine seed of multiplication the infinity concept was rather close to me. And now that my divine chakra is helping me, I guess my chances just skyrocketed.
I continued swimming up, more and more I was recovering the feeling in my body and my powers, it was an extremely pleasant sensation, it was like someone was ins the desert for days and then drink a cup of cold water, I could basically feel everything returning to my body.
Then I saw just a speck of light at the top, I continued swimming up until I was 100% again. But I didn't surface from the water, I am not being suppressed by the well anymore so I thought about finishing the last step of my ascension.
Mid-water I entered a meditative position, the Asauchi still stuck impaled through my heart. Taking a deep breath I activate both [Overdrive] and [Hyper Sage Mode], booth skills that I didn't need to use for a very long time, but they will be necessary right now.
My right hand started shinning on a golden color, right now I am using my [Divine Will of Absolutes]. I separated my [Divine Will] in four parts, or four stages to be more precise, it is; the [Divine Will of Armament], the [Divine Will of the Conqueror], the [Divine Will of the Sensibilities], and finally the one who incorporates every one of those aspects together [Divine Will of Absolutes]. And if you still didn't catch on, I was able to evolve my [Haki] towards [Divine Will]. Sadly [Divine Will] is still way nerfed right now, because only a God can truly use the full potential of the [Divine Will]. Butt that doesn't matter right now, I only need my [Divine Will] to be able to reach a very deep place on my body right now. My gates.
I remember when I said that I can't use the [Eight Gates Technique]? It was seriously a pity. Because with a body as strong as mine I could've absolutely used and abused such a technique. The main reason that I couldn't use such a technique because instead of the normal 8 gates, I have 10.
The technique Gai uses thus became completely inviable for me, but that doesn't mean I can't open my gates forcefully. What I am going to do right now isn't using a technique to open my gates temporarily boosting myself temporarily. Right now I will use my [Divine Will] to whole destroy all my gates and leave them forever open.
So with a swift motion, I bring my right hand filled with my [Divine Will] and strike my body my head once.
It was almost like I heard an echo of the cracking sound of the gate being shattered and disintegrated into nothingness. My body surged with more chakra filling me completely and subsequently doubling my actual reserves. In another swift motion, I hit my head yet again.
The sound of the second gate being completely disintegrated. My chakra reserves completely doubled yet again, giving me an incredible boost. Another swift motion and I hit my head again, more specifically my forehead where my third eye it.
A sound louder than the previous time echoed, doubling my reserves yet again. Another motion, but this time I was hitting my torso, more specifically my spine.
Another one.
Another one.
Another one.
Another one.
The ninth gate I was going to destroy is now the right side of my chest.
Like previously, the complete destruction of the gate doubled my reserves that have been doubling until now yeat again. Right now there is only one more gate for me to destroy, the final and fabled gate of death. Right now my Asauchi is currently impaling it, using a lot of strength I strike close to my Asauchi immediately destroying my gate of death completely.
A huge and oppressive aura started flooding from my body, my chakra yet again doubled, but I only became more and more violent. It was like all the stopper, all the boundaries that used to hold my chakra have been disintegrated, which might not be that far from the truth.
My aura and oppressive chakra grew and expanded more and more, thankfully the well of wisdom still didn't show any signs of being affected.
Then I felt something inside of me stirring, it trembled trying to move like it had some kind of magnetic attraction. I looked inside of myself and discovered that what tried to move were nine beautiful glass marbles, these marbles are the pocket universes I gained when I killed the nine 1 million years old beasts. My eyes almost immediately widened when I saw this, I started connecting the dots with what I did right now and these marbles trying to move. I couldn't hide the big smile that bloomed on my face.