Chapter 237 - Godhood: A game of patience. (1/2)
{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:
Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}
After my mother went away I lay there in my bed for a few seconds. Suddenly felt an urge, something I didn't have for a long time. The urge to go to the bathroom. Well, since I acquired a [Sage Body] a lot of normal things weren't necessary anymore, going to the bathroom was one of them. Yeah, it's weird I know, but I had more than two millennia to get used to it, so going to the bathroom si the normal thing for me right now.
Thankfully there weren't any machines connected to me or something like that, and if my mother is right the medics already gave me the green light to go home. With some effort, I sat on the border of my hospital bed, and then I got up. And for the first time in ages, I felt heavy.
Don't get me wrong, my actual self is way heavier than my past self. My weight is usually measured in tons, due to how dense my real body is, it was like that that I developed the habit of always using my natural flying ability to not break the floor by simply walking. But even with my real body weighing tons, I didn't really feel all that weight due to how strong I am, on the contrary, I usually felt like I weighed nothing.
But my previous body is another thing entirely if I am not mistaken I weigh something around 160kg, which is pretty heavy. Thankfully I am very tall roughly 1.90 meters so all this weight is fairly distributed, and yeah it's pretty obvious that I am fat that isn't a secret to anyone. But compared to my current body that is 2.10 meters tall and weighing 999... Okay, I know comparing my past normal self with my nearly god-like actual self is kinda unjust.
So going back on the subject, even if my past body is smaller and lighter than my actual one, in terms of strength it doesn't come even closer. By simply getting up I felt like I was inside of a bog submerged in mud and trying to move, it felt clunky, unsynchronized, heavy, slow, and overall difficult action. And that is just the act of getting up. It will get worse, won't it?
I went walking to the bathroom door inside of my room. Walking was strange, too f.u.c.k.i.n.g strange. With my actual body, I could go through a kilometer in less than a single step, heck I could traverse the total of the Shrek castle in a single step. But right now I am walking as slow as new created Morrowind character, and that is mind-numbing infuriating.
There is also the stamina aspect, I barely walked less than ten-steps towards the bathroom and I can already feel I am getting winded. What the actual f.u.c.k? I was really bad in my past life, wasn't I?
Entering the bathroom the first thing I looked towards was the mirror. Well, I am not ugly per si, but I am incredibly average, painfully average. My brow hair and brown eyes aside, you could search for the average face on google and my face would appear there. That would be my face normally, but right now it's even worse. Sunken eyes with dark circles clearly showing a lack of rest and a good night's sleep, slightly longer hair due to me not getting a haircut for a long time. lowering my vision to my jaw and mouth I see a pathetic example of a beard, well is more accurate to say it's just a bunch of patches of hair that grew on my face. My lips were dry and slightly crack showing that it has been a pretty long time since I drank some water. The problem is that I am this way simply because I didn't care about it, I have all the tools and I know how to take care of myself, but I guess at the end of my previous life, I didn't care much.
My clothes were kinda normal. A blue t-shirt with Superman symbol on it, sadly the beauty for the shirt is lost due to the fact that it was stretched so the symbol showed some cracks and faded paint. I also wearing some wide cargo shorts, and if I saw everything correctly my mother also brought my flip-flops to me. I guess if you give me sunglasses, a Monster drink, and some decades I would become an exact copy of the Boomer Mixed with the Doomer, or kill myself on the way. Yeah, I was down pretty bad at this time.
Pissing was a strange thing after such a long time, it was weird, really weird. When you pass more than 2000 years without needing it, it would undoubtedly be weird. Having to take a shit will probably be way worse...
Cleaning my hands thoughtfully, I toss some water and also give a quick clean to my face. Exiting the bathroom I put on my flip-flops and exited the hospital room. Exiting the room a nurse stopped me to ask some questions, I explained what I've been told and she quickly confirmed it and let me go.
I went to the reception hall and the first thing I did was get a cup of water. Well, I almost dropped the cup because I didn't use enough strength to grip it, and I moved more awkwardly than I would like to admit. But I guess that is kind of understandable, even if this is my past life body I still passed way more time with my actual one, it's actually kind of a miracle that is till remember a lot of those details of my body.
But something about this body bothers me the most, and it isn't my old fat self, it is my brain. It's slow, muddy, and sometimes downright uncollaborative, it's like my own brain is working against me sometimes and I've only thought about simple things until now. How the f.u.c.k I lived my whole past life with this shit is anyone guess.
And seeing it's still afternoon I have some hours to burn until my father arrives to pick me up. I could use a bus or an Uber to go home but I don't have my wallet or my cellphone with me, so my only option is waiting right now.
I chose a seat in the reception hall sat there rather comfortably closed my eyes and tried to meditate. At least meditation cam easily to me, heck I can do it even while fighting or moving so it's no surprise I can do it in my past self's body too.
Sadly none of my powers are present here so I could only meditate on my own memories, it was a good thing because it made both the time pass relatively fast and it enabled me to get used to my old brain again.
When the night was drawing around my father arrived, how do I know it's him? the honking sound of his car is pretty unique, so the first time I heard the honking sound I opened my eyes and looked outside, and yep it's him.
Entering the car I greet my father.
”Hello, Dad. How was your day?”(Aizen).
”Fine. And you? Are you okay? are you alright?”(Dad).
”I am dad. The medic said it was just stress.”(Aizen).
”How come you are stressed? You quit college, you don't exercise, you didn't go outside, you pass the whole day in your room doing God knows what. How the f.u.c.k are you stressed?”(Dad).
”Calm down, I ain't lying to you, the doctor really said that.”(Aizen).
”Sorry son... work was pretty hectic today, and then there is this economical crisis... Boss has been putting us under too much pressure.”(Dad).
”Hah, at least it isn't as bad as mom. Working at the bank really sucks the soul out of someone.”(Aizen).
”Well, I can't argue against the truth. But try to not say that close to your mother.”(Dad).
”Don't worry, I will refrain from pointing out the obvious.”(Aizen).
There was a little bit of silence and my father seems to be concentrating on driving the car, but right now is rush hour so I bet we are going to enter a traffic jam soon enough. And was proven right when five minutes later we all but stopped. Father maintained his silence for a moment before talking out loud.
”Son... You can't continue like this...”(Dad).
”I know.”(Aizen).
”You quit college, you don't work, you do nothing all day. You can't continue like that son, the world continues spinning you liking it or not... I don't really know what to do with you...”(Dad).
Normally here I would answer with my well-crafted excuses, we are in a crisis so I can't get a job, college is impossible for me, and a bunch of other things, false promises for me to be left alone, and a bunch of other things.
”I understand father. Don't you ever thought I might-... *sigh*forget about it.”(Aizen).
My father looked at me incredulously but soon went back focusing on the traffic. I thought for a moment if I should explain to them what I was passing through or something like that, but that would be a waste. First, I have already dealt with it so fussing over my past self problems would be useless and a waste of time right now. Second, my country is pretty backward when it comes to mental problems, so most people go by if he looks fine there is nothing wrong with him. So very few people really care about depression and the whole lot of problems I used to have. Yeah, third world countries.
”Father, I was thinking about it and I decided I want to go to another country.”(Aizen).
”Another country like the U.S. or Canada? Like an exchange program or something?”(Dad).
”Nah, nothing that expensive and fancy. I want to go to our brother country Tchola and try living there for some time.”(Aizen).
”Are you certain? That is a pretty big leap you are doing there.”(Dad).
”I know. But I thought I need a change. If I am building such levels of stress on my own room here a change of place completely would be good for me.”(Aizen).
”Well, you are a man right now. This decision is entirely yours.”(Dad).
”I tough Tchola would be a good start, even if they are overseas the country of Tchola was our settlers so getting double citizenship is easy.”(Aizen).
”I see, so you already thought that far. Your mother won't like it. But you have my support.”(Dad).
”She won't like it? That is the understatement of the f.u.c.k.i.n.g century, she freaked out when I wanted to go to a sleepover at a friend's house. If I say I want to go to another country she was going to explode. Heck, remember Marcus?”(Aizen).
My father basically winced at that. He definitely remembers some of that bullshit that happens. Yeah, I may have forgotten to say it but even if my mother is most of the time more worried about her job than her kids, when she is home I guess she tries to compensate for that so she becomes a helicopter mom of a high caliber. Marcus was a ”friend” of mine I had before high school, and when he invited me to a sleepover party, mom kind of freaked out and started investigating the boy and his family; surname, family members, their jobs, their situation at the bank, their religious beliefs and seeing as she is a devoted(read: fanatic) catholic, you can already see where this is going.
I am just thankful that her job is sometimes more important than God for her, so I don't doubt she would try to hammer her fanatism in my sister and me when we were younger.
”*Sigh* I was even friends with his dad.. and now we can't even look at each other in the eye. And who would've thought Marcus's mother Karen was like that...”(Dad).
Yeah, Marcus's mother ended up being a Karen of a high caliber. So you can already imagine where this is going right? My mom overcompensating and acting like a helicopter mom, and Marcus's mom being a Karen... it was like a clash of titans, King Kong vs Godzilla. A true battle for supremacy. And in the aftermath, Marcus changed schools, never talked to me anymore, and I became some sort of pariah on my already small circle of ”friends” of that time. Yeah, it was pretty bad.
”Don't worry dad, let me talk to mom.”(Aizen).
”Are you sure son? I don't mind helping you.”(Dad).
”Don't worry. I can deal with it.”(Aizen).
Ops... ended up using my general voice again. The problem is that I kind of got used to people rarely doubting my capabilities, so when they do it and I try to enforce something I unconsciously use my serious voice. My father looks a tad bit surprised.
”I see... I remember when I told my parents I was going off alone, I had the same fire in my eyes that you have now. I understand you son.”(Dad).
Yeah, dad, it is kinda difficult to not get a little bit of confidence when you can destroy a planet. Shit like that will give a little bit of confidence to almost everyone. But I guess he kinda confused my serious tone with fire in my eyes? what is this? a shonen anime?
”Changing the subject for a bit... Are you following the champions league?”(Dad).
”Nah, you know I was never that much into soccer.”(Aizen).
”Ah you won't believe it-”(Dad).
Then dad went off talking about all kinds of different things about the champion league. It's one of his few hobbies so he is quite passionate about it. We spent almost 2hrs in the traffic jam but eventually, we arrived home. Putting the car in the garage, my father unlocks the door and we are now in the kitchen.
If you are curious my house has two floors and a garage. On the first floor is where the kitchen, the living room, bathrooms, dining room, the washhouse, and the tools room stay. The tools room is a place where my father keeps his tools and the things he uses to give maintenance to the house, just last week if I am not mistaken he repainted my sister's room, which was previously white-colored and now is a low shade of lilac.
The second floor is where all the bedrooms are, my sister's bedroom, my parents' bedroom, my bedroom, a guest bedroom, and two bathrooms. The funny thing is that I can only use one bathroom inside of the house, it the right bathroom upstairs, my mother has forbidden me from using any other bathroom inside of the house because according to her I am too ”smelly” and ”dirty”. Well, concerning my past self she is technically correct, I am pretty smelly and dirty. But hearing that from your own mother when you are young hurts.
Entering the home I saw my sister watching Tv in the living room, she sat on a small green sofa that I am forbidden on sitting on because I am too heavy and too sweaty. Now that I think about it these forbidden things are pretty weird... like really, really weird.
My sister was basically a female version of my past self that has gone right. She is athletic, smart, gentle, and an overall great person. And she probably can easily kick the ass of my past self, she is into martial arts and has already a black belt in karate and is training to get her second one in jiujitsu. She is 1.79 meters tall,16 years old, and slaps me every time I ask about her weight.